An extra 2 bradfords

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Lucy and Tim walk in the station hand in hand and he walks her over to her desk and kisses her until grey walks over

Grey- What have I said about kissing
Lucy- I'm gonna tell Luna what u said about the new couch she got
Grey- Pls don't
Lucy- then shoo
Tim- *kisses her neck*
Lucy- Timothy behave
Tim- *kisses her shoulder* I am behaving  I'm just kissing my beautiful girlfriend
Lucy- wife me up
Tim- *chuckles* soon I will
Lucy- How soon
Tim- soon soon

He gets on one knee and take out a ring, everyone was watching and Angela was recording it

Tim- since I met you, I've always loved u , I never knew if u liked me as well until we decided to take the risk of dating, we've been through our ups and downs together and that's made us stronger together , your the most kind, beautiful, brave, strong, bad ass I have ever met... My question is, Lucy Chen will you do the honors of marrying me
Lucy- *crying* Yes
Tim- Yeah?
Lucy- Yes

He puts the ring on and they kiss

Angela- #couplegoals
Lucy- *giggles* Now I can actually tell u to sleep on the couch
Tim- Oh no
Nyla- Oh yes, James slepea on the couch everytime im pissed so he doesn't die
Lucy- Fair, Tim just bribes me with sex and that calms me done , that's something I was gonna tell u babe but since were here

She hands him a box and he opens it to see 2 positive pregnancy tests, a teddy bear, mini boots and a rams jersey with baby Bradford on the back

Tim- Your pregnant?
Lucy- *nods*
Tim- *kisses her* I'm gonna be a dad
Lucy- *laughs* little baby Bradford Should be due in January 2024
Tim- our own little baby, tiny little baby
Angela- Don't forget the crying all night, the never getting any space and the changing  diapers, don't let any of that stop u
Lucy- Trust me Tim will be changing the diapers to make up for the 9 months of me carrying it and then giving birth
Tim- *kisses her head* Don't worry about that now
Lucy- That's fun tho
Nyla- what is
Lucy- There's gonna be a extra 2 Bradford's

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