what if lucy broke down when zoe died

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Zoe gets shot and a lot he suspects run away, Nolan holds her in his lap frozen on what just happened, all the officers come running in and lucy sees Anderson dead

Lucy- *let's of a gut wrenching scream* NOOOO
Tim- *holds her back* boot
Lucy- NOOO, *gets free of  him and runs to her, she falls to her knees crying
Tim- *runs after her, gives her a hug* Lucy, it's ok
Lucy- n-no i-i-its not, let me go
Tim- Lucy I cant

They were all crying but Lucy was crying worse

Lucy- *breaks down crying in tims arms*
Tim- boot what happened
Nolan- he shot her , he wouldn't kill me, he wanted her
Lucy- *still crying*
Angela- I c-cant believe she's gone

They all do a ceremony and when they get back to the station they all sit down but Lucy just laid her head on the desk crying , they passed around he black bands and Tim took his and one for Lucy and went over to her, he took her badge off and put the band on and then placed her badge back on him

Lucy- *sobs*
Tim- sir can I have a minute outside with my boot
Grey- yes Bradford, take her to get some air
Tim- yes sir

He holds her as the stand outside

Lucy- i-i just can't believe she's gone
Tim- hey, I know, I know, listen ur gonna be ok, I promise u
Lucy- thanks

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