𝑰𝒔 𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅?

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It was a late shift and lucy and Tim had a stressful day so they went for drinks , they got a bit too drunk and ended up hooking up, 3 months later lucy found out she was 3 months pregnant,9 months later she gave birth and was on maternity and everyone visited her, they were all confused on who the dad was

Tim- Wait everyone wants to know , who's the dad?
Lucy- oh umm idk I must've got drunk and hooked up with someone
Tim- well do a DNA test
Lucy- NO, I uh I mean, there's no need
Tim- ok... What's his name
Lucy- I'm not sure I haven't thought on what to call him
Tim- what about Tim?
Lucy- No way, maybe his middle name can be Tim but I think im gonna call him Jackson, OMG YES, Jackson Timothy chen
Tim- Well at least your naming some part of your child after me
Lucy- well you trained me

A couple years later, she's now 28 and Jackson's 2

Jackson- mommy can I come to work with you today
Lucy- Sure bub
Jackson- yay

She gets him changed into a mini police officer outfit , lucy had a close bond with all her friends but an even closer own with Tim and Jackson loved Tim , after 10 mins they arrive at the station

Jackson- TIMMMM
Tim- Hey bud

Tim picks him up swinign him round

Tim- what are u doing here
Lucy- He begged me to be here
Jackson- i like it here
Tim- well ig ik your future job
Jackson- I wish u were my daddy
Lucy- Do u not like Chris?
Jackson- No he took my car keys and kept saying he would keep my car
Lucy- your car isn't real bab
Jackson- ik but it made me sad, can we do a DNA test to see who my daddy is?
Lucy- Your 2 howd u know what a DNA test is

Jackson looks at Tim

Lucy- No, I know who your real dad is bub
Tim- who?
Lucy- Someone is station
Tim- clues?
Lucy- umm.. Blonde hair, blue eyes, wears a police outfit
Tim- Smitty
Lucy- NO
Tim- Well the know other person is me
Lucy- ok Jackson come on

She takes Jackson into the break room , tim starts to faintly remember what happened and runs over to Angelas desk

Angela- woah slow down
Tim- Jackson's my kid
Angela- WHAT?
Tim- I faintly remember us, we went to a bar after a hard shift and we got drunk and hooked up and now here she is with a kid, she told em she knows who it is and described me
Angela- I'll go speak to her

Angela goes to the break room

Angela- hey u 2
Lucy- hey
Jackson- hi auntie angie
Angela- is he Bradford's son?
Lucy- Close the door

Angela closes the door and sits opposite lucy, then lucy explains what happened

Angela- but how are u gonna work this out
Lucy- Well Jackson doesn't like Chris so I broke up with him and he loves tim
Angela- Do u love Tim?
Lucy- y-yes
Angela- he likes u, eveyeoen can see it
Lucy- hey jackson
Jacksok- yes mommy
Lucy- I know who your daddy is
Jackson- Who?
Lucy- it's, it's Tim
Jackson- YAY

He runs and opens the door he runs to Tim

Tim- hey bud
Jackson- mommy said your my dadsy
Tim- really

He look near the break room and sees lucy and angela are slowly walking over

Jackson- Do u love my mommy
Tim- ye but she's with Chris
Jackson- No they broke up, I heard her say it to auntie angie

The girls walk over

Lucy- *flirty* hi
Tim- *flirty* Hi, so he's my child
Lucy- yep
Angela- that means u 2 have slept together before
Tim- ik
Lucy- hey could I talk to u alone like in the ball pen
Tim- sure
Angela- I'll look after jackson

Lucy and Tim go in bullpen and Angela stands with Jackson

Angels- u see what happens now is in a minute there gonna kiss
Jackson- *giggles*

After talking everyone started looking into where they were, next thing everyone sees is Tim pinning Lucy against the wall as they made out

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