𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒅

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It was a normal day at work until Lucy and tim walked into roll call late together

Grey- why are u late
Lucy- He wanted to her finish  something *smirks* quickly
Grey- would this include your bed
Tim- oh ye

He had one of his hands gribbed on her waist as the other rested on her thigh

Grey- Gross, sit down

They sit down together

Jacksok- awh, tim dates his boot
Celina- cute
Aaron- Wish I had a relationship like that
Celian and Jackson- Aaron gets no bitches
Grey- SILENCE, Bradford and chen you can be front desk today and thorsen your with west, Nolan with jurez and Harper with Lopez, get going

Lucy stands up and tim stand up as well he goes behind her and kisses her neck

Jackson- I've always shipped u 2
Lucy- Jackson when will u ever stop saying that to me
Jackson- when u have a baby together
Angela- the rate there going at they'll have a fuckign baby soon
Tim- Imagine a little Bradford running around

They go to the front office and Rachel goes to Lucy

Rachel- Boo
Lucy- RACHEL *hugs her* hey hows you
Rachel- Good wbu
Lucy- good
Rachel- How's little man
Rachel- He's good he turns 6 next month, and I came to invite u and your boyfriend to my wedding
rachel- Mhm
Lucy- congratulations
Rachel- u gonna tell me who your boyfriend is
Lucy- He's sat next to me
Rachel- Your dating Timothy?
Lucy- Mhm
Rachel- I always shipped u 2
Lucy- *chuckles* well he's a sweetheart
Rachel- wait til he pulls out the whip
Lucy- huh
Tim- whip?.
Rachel- it was a joke
Jacksok- *walks over * hey Rachel
Rachel- Jackson *hugs him*
Jackson- chenford are so touchy
Rachel- I've always shipped them *laughs*
Jackson- Same

Later that evening

Tim- I'll drive u to urs
Lucy- Nooo come with me for tonight plsss
Tim- Fine

They go up there and Jackson is singing to Taylor Swift and lucy joins in

Lucy- Is this in my head? I don't know what to think, He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring, And said, "Marry me, Juliet ,You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress,It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"
Jacksom- That's what u should be singing to tim 

He puts on single ladies just to annoy tim

Jackson- cus if u liked her then u should put a ring on Lucy
Tim- maybe i have one u will never know
Jackson- Propose, propose, propose, propose, propose
Lucy- *joins in* propose propose
Tim- Stop stop stop, I  know when I'm gonna propose so 

Lucy and Jackson make dinner together whilst tim laughed at them, they dished it up and ate

Jackson- So chenford, how'd ya start
Lucy- umm...
Tim- Sex
Jacksom- EW not like that, like howd ya get together
Lucy- we both liked each other so
Jacksom- ngl I never likes Chris he was weird and looked creepy, he looked like one of those china dolls that would sit on your shelf just staring u in the eyes sometimes I thought he was gonna turn into a bloody clown and attack me he was that creepy
Lucy- Well I've got this adorbs hot man so
Jackson- u 2 are cute together but also really intimate

They all laugh and finish eating together as Jackson teased them about dating

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