Thank you

2.7K 24 18

Well here we are guys, the end of the story!

It has been an amazing journey that I have been privileged to take with you

I'm so sorry I became a shitty updater recently

I did my AS level exams and have sat the whole of year 12, I'm beginning to look at universities now, I want to go and do psychology at Wrexham or Bangor University :)

I want to thank you all for reading this story, You all have made my little idea of a story into a reality, and I've gone from freaking out about 100 reads to having the monstrous amount of 362,000 reads! Seriously that's insane!

I didn't come on Wattpad for a long time so wasn't aware of how many reads I had hit until recently. I also have a lot of stories to catch up on! I'm looking at you Sweets_!

But being on this website has allowed me to make some of the most amazing friends ever. I would never have got to know some of you if it wasn't for this website, you have allowed me to share some of my deepest and most emotional memories and for that I thank you.

Georgia I also want to thank you on here as well. You have become an amazing friend of mine and you are literally the most awesome person ever! Thank you darling! And to everyone else, thank you soooo much, you all know who you are 

I'm sorry the story ended so abruptly as well. I lost ideas so I figured I'd end on a high and go out with a bang ;) I had the time to write the story ( I watched all 5 seasons of the walking dead in 1 week, believe me I had time ;) ) but I just didn't have the motivation and for that I am sorry.

The story will remain on this site for as long as possible, and I will still pop my head in on it occasionally, who knows I may procrastinate schoolwork even more and start a whole new story!

I also want to thank Jesse Polock for being a gorgeous human being and inspiring me to write this story!

But for now my little starrfishes I bid you good night and thank you. Thank you for everything, I love you all so much

Abi xxx

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