bluebottles attack

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there was a strong wind coming onto bondi today, the waves were quite big and most importantly there were bluebottles everywhere. I hadn't been stung by one yet so I had fallen lucky but I had seen how  bad they can hurt.

Jesse and me were down at south end, the rips were running hard and people kept on going in the rips and getting either stuck or stung, we sent countless amounts of people up to the tower to get ice " cant people just read the signs!" Jesse exclaimed

" are jobs would be a lot easier if that was the case!" I said. Another woman came up to me with a screaming child who had his hands wrapped round his leg " just head straight up to the tower they will treat it for you!" I said to the mother and they walked up to the tower.

I noticed a man out the back of the waves, he was a far way out and there was no chance he was getting back in anytime soon " I'll get this bloke" I sighed to Jesse whilst running in. Paddling out the nerves hit me, since mikes attack I was always nervous about rescuing men, you never know what there going to do when your out there, far from land and with nobody around to help. I pulled up next to the man, he was about 30 and was struggling to swim and leaped onto the board relatively quickly so I knew there was no chance of him attacking me.

I began the long paddle back to shore, suddenly I felt a searing pain in my hand, I looked down to see a bluebottle wrapped around my hand and arm. I pulled the tentacle off and carried on back to shore, god this was painful!

the man jumped off at shore and I walked over to Jesse " s**t,s*t,s**t!" I said hopping around in pain

" is that your first time being stung!" Jesse said passing me some spray

" yep, my first time!" I exclaimed 

" so technically you've just lost your bluebottle sting virginity !" Jesse said cheekily giving me a wink

" oh Jess!, that's gross" I said as he laughed at me in the rhino, he rolled around laughing in the rhino " god Jesse your so gross!" I laughed at him. He ended up laughing so much he fell out the rhino onto the sand, naturally that got me laughing as well, in the end me and Jesse were both in hysterics.

The pain then hit my lympnodes, my armpits began to hurt as well and I was in agonising pain. Jesse had now stopped laughing and was looking quite concerned at me in pain, I was groaning and moaning in pain, doubled over.

" its will pass in about 15 minutes Jorja, don't worry" Jesse said rubbing my back. Luckily the water had begun to clear because of the bluebottles so we didn't have to do anymore rescues. The pain eventually passed and it was a huge relief

" yeah its worse than giving birth isn't it!" Jesse said, clearing meaning to start a who has it harder war

" oh don't even go there Jesse!" I said punching his arm lightly " imagine squeezing a melon out your arse, that's what childbirth is like!"

he laughed at me before we started the battle of the sexes. it had been a weird day!

I apologise for how horrifically bad this is, I am in the middle of packing and needed a quick chapter to give you as im off on my holiday tomorrow :(( im going to miss you all!!

I promise a chapter tsunami when im back and I love you all, keep reading and voting!

thanks to sarahhjane21, dancingwithdanger and sweets_ for being lovely and supportive and just generally amazing people!

I will miss you all so much and this site for 2 weeks

I'll be back!

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