birthday girl

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" happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!" I heard Jesse sing softly into my ear. it was april 30th, my birthday.

" morning babe, happy birthday" Jesse said, I rolled over and kissed him

" how did you know?, I have never told you when my birthday was?" I asked, I didn't want Jesse to go and get me anything so I hadn't told him

" I know you didn't tell me so I went and found out, facebook and twitter is a useful thing you know, and of course I wanted to get my girl something!" he laughed, I snuggled into his chest, we didn't have to be at work until 9 so we had a bit of time. "hang on" Jesse said leaning out of the bed, he passed me a tray of breakfast, on it was a vase with a little flower in it, a glass of orange juice, a cup of coffee, a piece of toast that was cut into a heart shape with jam on, a plate of pancakes and of course bacon and eggs!

" aww thanks Jesse" I laughed taking a bite out of the toast " how long have you been awake making this?"

" not long don't worry" he said, we ate the breakfast together and it turned out a lot better than the last time Jesse tried to make bacon and eggs!

" that was delicious babe thank you" I said kissing him

" that's not all" Jesse said leaning down and shuffling around by the bed

" Jesse you shouldn't have got me anything.... jesse oh my god you got me too much!" I gasped as he placed several things next to me on the bed  

" well I don't care your my girlfriend and I wanted to get you all this, now are you going to open it or will I have to?" Jesse said picking up a present

" nooo i'll do it" I laughed, I reached for the first gift, it was a box filled with beauty products that I loved, the second gift was some more of the MBK range that I had modelled, I opened the third box to find it crammed with new bra's, underwear and bikini's and some things/outifts that I would be hiding in the box if people came round!, I looked over to Jesse who was grinning cheekily at me, I couldn't help but blush at the items

" want to try them on?" he suggested cheekily

" after the last box" I said. I opened up the last gift to see a little jewellery box, I opened it to see a beautiful bracelet, on it was a heart charm, it had encrypted in it ' I love you' I twirly writing. Jesse picked up the bracelet and clasped it around my wrist

" its beautiful Jesse, thank you so much" I said leaning over and kissing him softly on the lips " its all so amazing thank you" I grabbed the third box and got up from the bed, I walked into the bathroom and dug around in the box, I saw a pretty red polka dot, part padded/push up bra and slipped that on along with the matching pants. I brushed my teeth and sorted my hair before opening the door

" you have good taste" I laughed walking over to jesse who's eyes were bulging out on stalks, I walked over to his side of the bed and threw my leg over his chest and began kissing him passionately. his hands rubbed up and down my skin as we kissed.

* after *

as we were leaving the apartment, we noticed the postman struggling with a large box

" excuse me do you know which floor a miss Jorja trini lives in?" he asked

" that's me"

" well in that case this is yours, just sign here please?" he asked holding out the electronic device, I signed for it and he walked off, leaving me and Jesse with a large box that neither of us knew about. I opened the box to see a envelope on the inside, I read the letter out loud to Jesse

" dear miss trini, due to you wearing our dress at the recent logie awards and becoming best dressed at the logies, we have sent you a variety of clothing from our new selection as a gift. the dress sold out in a matter of hours when you were seen in it and we are very grateful for you choosing to wear our items. yours sincerely caroline cook zara chief manager,   holy s**t!" I gasped looking through the box, there was dresses, tops, skirts, shorts, trousers, shoes, bags and jewellery! everything a girl needs! I grabbed the box and ran it upstairs before me and Jesse left for work.

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