Fan mail

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it had been a few days since the fight and my hand and Jesse's nose and lip had healed up, and the story had seemed to blow over in the papers, the next day a celebrity had come falling out a club and flashed the pap's so we were old news in the press's eyes but we had stayed quiet on twitter on instagram just in case.

We were in work and Hoppo came over to the tower, he was carrying a massive box which from his reaction weighed a tonne!

" f**k can one of you lot grab this before I drop it!" hoppo gasped. Chappo went over and supported the underneath of the box and brought it over to the desk

" what the heck is that?" maxi asked

" fan mail, the network delivered it this morning" Hoppo said

Jesse grabbed a pair of scissors and cut down the tape, opening the box. Inside was loads of individual boxes and envelopes with some of our names on them. I began handing out the packages to the boys that were there

" right maxi here's 3 for you.... chappo you...whippet 2 here..... um some for others..... Jesse 4 here for you.... maxi here's another 2 for you....." I handed out the packages and letters until the only ones left over were for the boys who weren't on shift.

Maxi ended up having the most with over 10 packages and 23 letters, whippet was next with 8 parcels and 20 letters. Deano and bisho seemed to do well too from what I could see in the box. Jesse had 6 parcels and 15 letters which he was going through, I had surprisingly got a few as well, a parcel and 10 letters which I started going through.

The first letter was a thank you letter from somebody I had rescued a few months ago dear Jorja.  in summer I came to Sydney and I had a amazing time, however when I came to bondi I ended up drifting out the flags into the rip. you were the lifeguard who came and rescued me and I cannot thank you enough for that. You helped me stay calm when I panicked and I felt safe when you came paddling out to get me. As a avid watcher of the show I was confused to see a female lifeguard but after watching this season I finally worked out who you were and wanted to thank you properly as I walked off embarrassed! Thank you so much for rescuing me and keep up the amazing work   Suzannah calend

I smiled at the letter, it was so lovely that people took the time to write and send these lovely letters. Suddenly there was a commotion over by maxi

" OH GOD!"  Maxi yelled dropping the box and letting the contents fall over the floor

" arrrhhh!" the boys all screamed backing off from box

I moved my head around whippets body to see what they were all complaining about. On the floor was a small Barbie doll, it had real hair wrapped around its body held to it with duct tape. There was a condom, a pair of knickers and a bra on the floor next to it, Maxi kicked the box over to release the rest of the contents.

" oh god!" I said disgusted

There was a period pad on the floor, open, and by the looks of it, slightly used.

" f**k!" Jesse and maxi squealed as everyone looked at it, Most of the boys jumped up on the table and chairs screaming, I was the only one left on the floor

" someone get rid of it!" whippet exclaimed. There were cries of " I'm not touching it!" from all round the tower. Silence then fell upon on the group and I turned around to see 6 faces smiling cheesily at me with puppy dog eyes

" Jorrrjjjjaaaa, your a girl, can you deal with it pwease!" Maxi said cocking his head to one side and smiling

"well done for noticing" I sighed " fine" . Grabbing a pair of gloves and a plastic bag I moved towards it as the boys all retched and gagged behind me. As I got closer I realised that it wasn't used, it was just red dye " its not used, its dye or food colouring" I said to the boys grabbing it and putting it in the bag along with the condom, bra, doll and knickers

" how do you know for sure!" chappo exclaimed with a disgusted look on his face

" you really want to know?" I smirked

" NO NO NO!" all the boys yelled as I dumped the contents in the bin and washed my hands " god that fan was messed up!" maxi said as I began opening other letters. The letters were all lovely and I opened up the parcel to see a collage of pictures of me and quotes I had said from the latest season. I started looking through the pictures and I turned it over to see loads of twitter names and a big #TeamBR and @TeamJorja on the back. The letter explained why there were loads of twitter names on, they were from people who had contributed to the picture and requested a name on it, I made a mental note to go and follow the people on there.

" hey babe" I heard Jesse say, I turned around to see Jesse holding up a collage of pictures of me and him. There was loads of us together which had been screen shot from the show and some of the instagram ones we had put up, once again on the back it said #TeamBR, @Team_JesseP and a @TeamJorja and the twitter names.

" aw that's so cute" I said looking through the pictures " come on lets show them we got it". Jesse put his head over my shoulder and we held up the pictures before I snapped a quick picture and posted it to twitter thank you '#TeamBR for our lovely gifts, me and the boys are really grateful'.

Thankfully the rest of maxi's gifts were all normal, lovely letters.

" Theres always one weirdo" he sighed as he packed the letters and presents back into his bag.

worlds shittest ending :P and chapter!

38,633 reads :DDDD omgomgomgomgomgomg !!!! lets see if we can make 40,000 by sunday!! :D xxxx

I had a lightbulb moment so expect something dramatic soon! ;) ohhh being kind and giving you a hint ;)

love you all starrfishes!!! xx

also go watch maxis instagram videos on the ride :) they are freaking hilarious . my particular fave is the Bundaberg one where they have wind hair and last nights when maxis in the tree :)) <3 Jesse and Maxi xxxxx  

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