I miss you

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I was lying in bed at 1am, I was going to facetime Jesse and couldn't wait to see his face again.

it had been a week since I had arrived in England, I had got over my jet lag but I was homesick, really homesick.me and Jesse spoke every day but it wasn't the same, I wanted him to cuddle into at night, I missed our morning kiss and his touch.

I had been to lots of meetings about my immigration, they had all gone well so far and I just had a few more until they could send off for the visa. I had been through all my clothes and furniture at home and had got a lot up for sale, my car was up for sale as well.

I had been recognised a lot in England, It was strange for that to happen and many people looked confused as to why I was back in England.

The call came through and I accepted it quickly, Jesse face popped up on the screen and another wave of home sickness hit me

" hey beautiful!" he said

" hiya!" I said putting on a brave face " where are you?" I asked, I could tell he wasn't at home

" I'm at work, speaking of which, there's some people here who want to speak to you" Jesse turned his phone around and I saw Maxi, Gonzo and a few of the other boys

" HIYA!" maxi yelled running over to the phone and grabbing it of Jesse, he pretended to kiss me through the screen which made me giggle " how are you doing? please hurry back Jesse hasn't been himself since you went and we miss you!" maxi exclaimed without pausing for breath

" hopefully soon maxi, I've got a few more immigration meetings before my visa is sent off for" I smiled " and I miss you to pet"

" come back soon, I'll give you back to Jesse now love you lots like jelly tots!" he laughed passing me back to Jesse. He sighed and then turned to me, 

" babe what's wrong?" he gasped

I was sitting there with tears streaming down my face, Jesse stood up and walked out the tower from what I could see. " what's the matter?" he asked

" I just miss you so much" I sobbed wiping away the tears 

" oh please don't cry, you'll make me go as well!" he said, I noticed his eyes brim with tears as well " I miss you too"

" there's nothing here for me babe, its so lonely without you" I said choking back the tears " urhh for gods sake, I'm a state"

" just take some deep breaths, we'll be back together in a few weeks" he soothed " believe me I've missed you as well,   I want nothing more than to have you here with me" he said

we chatted for a bit longer, " it's jonny gannons birthday tonight so were going out for a few drinks" he informed me

" oh tell him I say happy birthday!, I hope you have a good time babe, you deserve a good night out, go wild!" I laughed

we had been chatting for about half a hour when I began yawning " go to bed babe, it must be so late back in England" Jesse insisted

" ok then, have a great time tonight babe, I love you and miss you" I smiled

" I will, I'll call you tomorrow, and I love you and miss you as well, bye beautiful" he said smiling at the camera one last time before the screen went black.

I placed my phone down, rolled over and began sobbing hysterically.

this is shit! sorry! been out all day and am writing this is tears whilst watching surprise surprise! dear god :(

26,231 READS OH MY GOD!!! thank you sooo much little starrfishes love you lots!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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