telling the lifeguards

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I woke up with my head on Jesse's chest, his arms wrapped around me. Last night was amazing we spent it on the sofa together, my head in Jesse's lap (not in a dirty way!)  and his arms around me as we watched a movie before a early night. it had been simple and perfect. I felt Jesse begin to move next to me. I looked up and saw him begin to open his eyes

" morning beautiful" he said sleepily, I leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips before climbing out of bed

" morning babe, now come on get up! we don't want to be late again!" I said throwing on my vest and shorts before walking to the bathroom, I heard Jesse groan as I shut the door and climbed into the shower. I quickly washed and went back into the bedroom to see Jesse had fallen back asleep! I quickly changed into my lifeguard bikini and uniform before I planned a little morning surprize for him!

I walked back towards the bathroom and ran towards the bed and leapt over to him, I put my legs over his body and sat on his lower stomach lightly " get up lazy!" I laughed as Jesse's eyes shot open. I bent down and kissed him, " why are you so tired?, we had a early night last night!" I asked

" yeah we had a early night but there wasn't much sleeping" Jesse smirked as he rested his hands on my waist, I blushed and rolled off him

" come on get up now, we don't want to be late 2 days in a row, also we need to tell the boys before work starts, I don't want another day like yesterday!" I said walking out the bedroom, I poked my head back in the bedroom " get up!" Jesse groaned and sat up.

I walked into the kitchen and got my breakfast out, I listened closely making sure I heard Jesse get up and get in the shower, I ate my breakfast and put the bowls back in the dishwasher. I walked over to the window and looked out over the street and I realised just how happy I was, it had been a long time since I was this happy and getting with Jesse had made that possible, I don't think I had stopped smiling since that night!. I felt Jesse's arm slide round my waist as he came up behind me, I felt him nuzzle and kiss my neck and I sighed in content " thank you"

" for what?" Jesse said

" making me this happy" I said, before moving my head and feeling Jesse plant a kiss on my lips " now seriously, lets go" I said moving around. we walked out the flat and down to the car before we drove to bondi

" so we need to tell the boys, koby and them lot, my parents anybody else?" Jesse said

" there is someone" I smiled remembering " little ethel, she said when we get together we need to go and tell her, she predicted we would get together"

" alright we'll swing by after work" Jesse laughed

" lets keep it quiet from the public for now babe, I don't really want to be hated on before bondi rescue even starts!"

" sure thing, we'll deal with that later on lets just deal with this lot today!" Jesse said as we pulled into the car park, we kissed quickly before walking down to the tower. we paused by the door and Jesse put his arm around my waist " here we go!" he said as we opened the door. on duty today was maxi, gonzo, mouse, jake, matt dee, itchy and Azza, we walked up and they turned to look at us to say hello.

" hey guys" I said. there were murmurs of hello then most of the boys turned back to their conversations or the water, then one by one they all turned back around slowly.

" wh whats going on?" mouse said pointing to my waist where Jesse's arm was poking around the side slightly

" guys me and Jorja are together" jesse said smiling at me, I returned his smile before turning back to the boys, they were all sat there in silence with smiles on their faces, maxi then stood up and walked to the counter behind us, he pulled out a notebook and flicked through the pages " whats that?" jesse asked

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