Big Wave Surfing

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*Jesse's POV*

I heard Taco insult Jorja and instantly rage filled me, she had been through so much and he knew that, yet he said that about her just because he wanted to go surfing, the little twat. I flew forward and grabbed his shirt " The fuck did you just say!" He looked into my eyes and I saw the sudden fear flash in them as he knew what I could do to him. I felt Maxi grab me from behind and pull me back, he apologised to Jorja, but I carried on yelling at him " Jorja is worth ten of you Taco, at least she fucking doesn't complain about everything when it doesn't go her way" I yelled.

"Its fine, Jesse I said its fine!" I heard Jorja say, I shrugged off Maxi who had a hold of me and walked over to Jorja, I gave her a hug and then walked out the tower with the boys.

We walked under the tower and Maxi walked over to me "fucking hell bra, I thought you were proper gonna whack him!"

" I fucking felt like I was too, he shouldn't have spoken about her like that!" I said still furious. We grabbed the jet ski and some boards, I had my own in the tunnel but some of the boys had to use the rescue boards. We all went down to the surf and jumped on the ski, we got round to Tama pretty quickly, then the waves got solid. I jumped off the mat with Maxi as Deano was driving the ski and I paddled out quickly. A huge wave loomed just behind me and I managed to get on it, but then I saw that Chappo was also on the wave so I pulled back off it. I didn't have to wait long before the wave of the day came through, it must have been a good 12 foot, I paddled out ahead of the others desperate to get this one, I felt it lift me up and I rode it out, it was an amazing feeling to get a wave.

We stayed out there for another 30 minutes and we all got some amazing waves before going back to Bondi. We drove the ski up to the tunnel and looking up at the tower window I saw Jorja, Terry and Bacon waving whilst Taco stared blankly out the window, desperate trying not to make any eye contact.

We all showered off under the tunnel and walked back upstairs, an awkward air surrounded the tower as I sat next to Jorja and Bacon, Taco still hadn't said a word and nobody really knew what to say or do. We had been there for a little while when finally the sun began to come out from behind the clouds, bringing the beach goers with it.

*Jorja's POV*

The sun began to appear from behind the clouds and the public started to appear down on the sand. We all dispersed to put up the signs and put the rhino's by rips. I went down to north with Chappo and sat in the temporary tower up there. The waves were still pretty big but not huge like at Tamarama, these were more 6 foot waves, but really big for a non surfer like me. People were still going swimming even though it was clearly dangerous, it wasn't long before Chappo noticed somebody fall off the bank and begin struggling. He ran down and into the water, he had just reached the man when I noticed another swimmer struggling further down the beach. I knew I would have to go and get him.

I stripped off my shirt and ran down to the board and sprinted in, I tried to remember all my training on how to get over the waves easily and quickly, it took me a while to reach him but eventually there was a lull in the waves and I managed to just get through, luckily he could swim ok and had managed to stay above water.

I grabbed his arm " Quickly jump on, lie on your front!" I needed him on quickly so we wouldn't get pounded by the waves, he rolled on the board and a big wave quickly came up behind us, a good 6 foot high and we began to ride it to shore,but the swimmer was too far forward...

I felt the board tip forward and we nosedived straight into the sandbank, all I saw was the foamy sea water come rushing up to meet me as I felt my body fall under the surf. All I could see from underneath was the foam from the waves crashing down. I tried to get back to the surface but I was stuck in the rip and the board had been dragged away by the waves. I lifted my head above the water only to feel the heavy wave crash down on my head and knock me back under the water, I was in the impact zone.

I let the rip drag me further out and I stayed under the water for as long as I could knowing the waves would hurt me badly. When the water was no longer foamy with whitewash I lifted my head above the water and gasped for air, fighting the waves and lack of air had exhausted me and I was a long way out. I knew how to get out the rip so I started swimming sideways against the current, eventually getting out the channel, but I was exhausted. I looked up to see that the man had reached shore ok, he must have been pushed forward when we nose dived and reached the sandbank. I was still a far way from shore when I saw Chappo coming over the waves to get me, he paddled over and managed to reach me quickly, I clung to his board whilst I tried to catch my breath.

" Hey are you alright!" he said when he got by me, " I looked up and you were gone but youe'r board was there at shore! what happened?"

" I nosedived pretty bad and got hit by a wave hard when I came up, so I stayed under and let the rip drag me out of the impact zone"

"You want a ride in?" He asked trying to hold back the laughter. I thought about it for a second, contemplating swimming in, but then I gave in.

" Oh this is so embarrassing" I groaned as I pulled myself onto the board and Chappo began to paddle in "Sorry about this Chap!" I hid my head in my hands as we rode a wave in. We reached shore without nosediving and I rolled off the board to see pretty much all the people on the beach laughing and pointing at the lifeguard who had to be rescued herself. I hurried back to the rhino with my face burning with humiliation.

The radio buzzed " Hey Simba you ok?" Terry asked from the tower, I heard Jesse in the background.

" I'm fine guys, don't worry It was completely my fault, I was too far forward!" I laughed.

"Alright then be careful next time!" I heard Terry say. There was about 10 seconds of silence from them before the radio erupted with laughter.

"Oh my god that was the best thing I've ever seen!" I heard Maxi scream with laughter down the radio.

"That nose dive is going in the record books J, and then that paddle back in! Oh god the whole thing was just beautiful! Where's the Bondi Rescue cameras when you need them? Hey was it caught on the CCTV Tez?" I heard Kobi laugh down the radio with Deano, they had seen the whole thing from 2nd ramp.

"Hang on..... Yep! It was all caught on camera!" Terry laughed back

"Glad I could entertain you all on this fine arvo!" I groaned back.

I sat in the buggy with Chappo and it wasn't long before I saw a swimmer going out too far

"I'm gonna go in for this one, get back on the horse and all that!" I laughed.

"Alright then, remember to go further back on the board and pull the guy back with you" Chappo said as I stripped off and ran in.

The rescue went a lot more smoothly this time, I reached the man in a relatively quick time and pulled him onto the board, as I started to paddle back to shore the nerves flooded my body as the wave loomed behind us. I pushed the thoughts away and went further back on the board, pulling the guy with me. The wave picked us up and rolled us gently to shore, we had done it! The swimmer rolled off and thanked me before walking away to his family.

I walked back to Chappo " well done Simba, a successful one!" he laughed.

" Woo smashed it!" I laughed and sat back down in the buggy with him.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet and uneventful, all in all a good day! As we packed up in the sunset and the crowds disappeared I looked at the beautiful sky then back to the beach. This place was truly stunning.

The idyllic setting and peace was soon ruined by the sound of roaring laughter. I walked into the tower to see all the boys, apart from Taco, standing round the CCTV monitor, watching my epic nosedive on endless repeat.




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