midnight walk

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I was due to leave in 3 days time and I was spending every precious moment I could with Jesse, I didn't know exactly how long I would be gone for and I really didn't want to leave.

it was around 2am when I was woken up by Jesse

" Jorja, come on get up and throw some clothes on" he said softly

" where are we going?" I said groggily

" doesn't matter just put some clothes on!" Jesse urged

I got out of bed and put on undies, jogging bottoms, a t shirt and jumper. Jesse took my hand and lead me quietly down to the car. it was a beautiful clear night and the stars where shining brightly. Jesse drove me for a short while until we arrived at maroubra beach

" what are we doing here?" I asked now confused

" just going for a walk" Jesse laughed. I sighed and got out the car. Jesse took my hand and lead me down to the sand. There was nobody around at all, The streets and beach were completed deserted, we were the only people around.

We walked down the beach, closer to the rocks at the end.  we stood by a large rock with was close to the water, Jesse lay down in the sand and I lay down next to him as we looked up at the stars

" I'm really going to miss you" I blurted out, Jesse wrapped his arms around me and pulled me further up his body

" I am to, but think of the positives, after that month we can be together again, theres no worries about visa's, old apartments, old bills in England nothing, just me and you together" jesse said before kissing me. we pulled apart and I realised that he was right, this month would be hell but then I'm back with the man I love.

" right come on" Jesse said suddenly getting up " I'm going for a swim!"

" but you have no boardies?" I said as Jesse pulled his top off

" who said anything about boardies" he chucked his top towards the rocks and then pulled off his shorts leaving him in just his boxers " you coming?"

I just laughed and stood up " well you only live once!" I laughed as Jesse pulled my tops over my head and I slid my jogging bottoms down, I threw them to the pile of clothes by the rock. We both just stood there in our underwear

" skinny dip?" I laughed

" skinny dip" Jesse nodded as he turned and ran the few paces towards the water, kicking his boxers off as he went. I un clasped my bra and threw it to the pile before doing the same with my pants and running to the sea

" s**t! that's cold!" I gasped as I swam over to Jesse, we didn't go to deep. I got closer to him only to be greeted by a big splash of water

" haha!" he laughed as I squealed a little, I pushed water over his face in a return attack before trying to swim away. He grabbed my feet and pulled me back towards him and held me close to his body. We both just went silent whilst looking at each others faces, The moonlight made the water shimmer on our bodies, a droplet of water ran down Jesse's face and  I was overcome with lust.

I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled his face to mine, wrapping my arms around his neck. I kissed his lips softly before the kiss became more heated and passionate. I wrapped my legs around his waist as the kiss became more urgent, Jesse's arms wrapped lower down my waist. He cast a quick look back to the beach, checking there was no one there before he placed me down and we waded through the water out back onto the sand.

we ran behind a large rock with lots of other ones around it, secluding us more. I turned to Jesse and crashed my lips against his, He responded passionately and we lay down on the sand. I tangled my hands in his damp hair as we kissed, his kiss moved lower and lower down my body. He left a trail of kisses all down my chest and stomach before he went down to my legs, kissing up them. After, I bought his lips back up to meet mine as my hands wandered down his body.

* After*

we lay there, covered in sand and water droplets. The moon was still high in the sky and the stars shining

" every time I look at the stars now, I'll just think of tonight" I said as Jesse kissed my head.

We got up and brushed off the sand before getting back into our clothes and driving back home. It was another night to remember

sorry this is short and shit but I was out until 11:30pm and I wrote this at 0:04am so yeah I wanna sleep! went to see about time :) highly recommend it! my friend was dressed like someone from made in Chelsea whilst I was channeling Geordie shore slag ;p

please check out sarahhjane21, dancingwithdanger, sweets_, CourtneyFowler_x, TeamBondiRescue, Glitterball26, skyeblue1997 and emmyisdauntless! god these are getting longer!

24,800 reads! woop woop! xxxxxxxx

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