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*Jesse POV*

We arrived at the hospital and the paramedics rushed her in, I followed behind until a nurse stopped me in my tracks. "You cant go in there sir" she said with her hand on my arm as they took Jorja into a private room, they laid her on the bed and the doors swung shut behind them, I could no longer see her.

"Somebody needs to tell me whats going on, what's wrong with her!" I shouted, I was getting hysterical now pacing outside.

 "Sir if you would come with me, I need you to explain exactly what happened and fill in some details for her"  the nurse said, taking one last desperate look to the door, I desperately tried to see her but there were blinds across the windows. I trudged behind the nurse and she took me to a waiting area.

"Now I need you to explain exactly everything that happened so we can treat Jorja in the best way possible"

I put my head in my hands " She was running in her thongs, it was a practical joke gone wrong, she was running on the wet ground, tripped over and smashed her head into the metal bars. She then fell to the ground and her head bounced along the concrete several times before she blacked out. We  couldn't wake her so we put her on the spinal board and took the trauma precautions. She hasn't woken up or shown any signs since"

"Ok sir. Can I get you to fill in some details on Jorja, there might be some you don't know but just fill in what you can" she said handing me some forms. "I will come and find you as soon as we realise whats wrong with her" she said before walking off down the corridor.

I sat there shaking, I filled in the forms on Jorja and went and got myself a coffee, before resuming my seat. I pulled out my phone to see about 40 messages, everybody at work had got wind of the accident and was asking if she was ok, "I don't fucking no" I mumbled under my breath running my hands through my hair. It had been about half an hour now, with still no news on her.

I waited and waited and waited, constantly looking for a nurse or doctor to come and tell me what was wrong, would she be ok? I had been sat there for about 2 hours, when I saw the nurse walking towards me, I stood and walked towards her " whats wrong with her!" I exclaimed.

"Please Mr Polock come and have a seat and I will explain everything that has happened and what will happen in the next few days"  she said whilst walking me towards a room off the side of the waiting area.

We sat down and she said " Jorja is a very, very lucky girl, she suffered some severe head damage that would usually kill most people but from the way she landed, she is ok. As Jorja also had a jumper on and her hood up that absorbed some of the impact saving her life. But due to the impact given, she has gone into a coma, we don't know when she will wake up it could be tomorrow, next week or even in a few months but all we know is that she will be ok eventually, we have put her in a comfortable condition but I'm afraid all we can do now is wait."

I sat there in shock, a coma, people could spend months in coma's! I felt the lump rise in my throat and the stinging in my eyes, " can I see her?" I asked.

"In a few minutes, she has been sent up for a CT scan and to have other various tests to make sure there is no bleeding in the brain or other symptoms like that, I will come and get you when she has finished those tests" she said " she is very lucky Mr Polock " she added before walking out of the room.

I sat there, just thinking, thoughts running through my head. Would she remember me?  Will she know where she is? What  if she forgets her parents are dead? All these questions flooded my mind. I looked down and placed my head in my hands, finally allowing the tears to flow free.


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