The Results

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Sitting in the doctors waiting room was like torture, Me and Jesse were sat in silence clutching each others hands. I think we were being recognised as there were a few hushed whispers around us and I could hear little snippets of conversation from the groups of people around us.

" that's Jorja and Jesse from bondi rescue"

" I hope everythings all right"

" shall we ask for a autograph?"

" I wonder if she's pregnant!"

We just sat there in silence. Dreading the outcome.

The night before we worked out that the lump was actually under my nipple, it felt like it was ear the bottom of the breast but it was actually right in the middle and when I touched it, the pain shot far back into the breast, when I had located the lump I went straight to the phone and made an appointment for today. I didn't know if it was cancer or not, I was just running on autopilot when on the phone. We were meant to be working but we had to ask Maxi and Harrison to cover us at 11 pm last night. Maxi was wanting details about why we were at the doctors but we couldn't say much. After making the appointments and getting off the phone to Maxi, me and Jesse had got back into bed in silence and just curled up together. Now I knew it was there, all I could feel all night was pain, I couldn't lie on my front or side so instead I just lay on may back as Jesse slept on and off all night. We both were worrying about the results.

Now we were waiting for my name to be called out, The receptionist had boosted us up the waiting list as the word lump worried her, I think she was also a fan of the show as we had walked in and her mouth had dropped open.

" Miss Trini to room 5 " a voice said over the intercom. I stood up with Jesse and walked out the cramped waiting room down the corridors into a small doctors room. A older lady with red hair and warm, open face stood up and shook our hands as we walked in

" hello I'm Dr Stephenson, what seems to be the problem today?" she asked as we took a seat on one side of the desk

" Well, last night I found a lump in my breast" I said

" right, where about is the lump?" she asked

" its right under the nipple and seems to spread back a little, we originally thought it was right underneath but its there and has become extremely painful"

" ok then, well what I'm going to do us examine you then we can go from there, if I think it is something serious I will refer you to the hospital for further checks. From what you have told me I doubt its something as serious as cancer. Can you hop on the bed through there please and remove your top and bra" Dr Stephenson smiled.

I left Jesse in the seat and went through into a little room off the side where there was a medical bed. I removed my top and bra before lying down. Dr Stephenson walked in and shut the door  behind her.

" Right so I am just going to feel the lump if that's ok?"

" yep, that's fine" I said before looking up at the ceiling as she pressed lightly around the lump

" does it hurt when I touch it?" she asked

" yep, its like a shooting pain back into the breast" I explained

" and it has just appeared out of nowhere?"

" yeah, I hadn't even noticed it until my partner did last night, but since then the pain has become worse"

" are you breast feeding?"

" no, I'm not a new mum" I said shocked

" Right if you would like to put your top back on and I will explain what it is with your partner present" she smiled before walking out the room. I heard Jesse say

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