The Best News!

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I was sitting at work one rainy afternoon, bored out of my mind in the shop, when my phone alerted me of an email, I looked down at my phone and opened up the email and gasped in shock!

I couldn't believe it.... I had won!...  I jumped up from my seat and screamed in glee! "AHHHHAHAHAHAH!"

An email soon came through from no one other than Maxi and Jesse! They were congratulating me on the win and thanking me for the donation, they also put they were going to Skype me tonight to confirm details! I couldn't believe it... I was going to talk to them!

*10:00pm *

I sat on my bed with my laptop open, ready to actually see Maxi and Jesse!  I had always had a huge crush on Jesse, most people went for Maxi but there was something about Jesse that just clicked with me, the cheekiness and the past bad boy behaviour just made me turn into a blushing, drooling wreck even though I'm a 22 year old woman.

The computer bleeped altering me there was a oncoming call, I took a deep breath and opened it.....

*Jesse's POV*

"hey Maxi have you heard about the girl who donated $10,000 she's won the prize to meet me and you for the lifeguarding experience" I shouted as I walked into the tower,

"yeah mate just tweeting her now, we're gonna video chat her later" Maxi said back 

"alright" I said grabbing the binoculars and scanning the water, wonder what she'll be like?.

I soon spotted a tourist going under, quickly I radioed gonzo who leaped in to get them "bloody pommies" I whispered


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