oh my....

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The dreaded sound of the alarm rung in my ears

" urhh" I groaned with my face buried in my pillow, I felt Jesse move and turn it off.

" c'mon babe, get up" I heard Jesse groan to me

I pulled the duvet up over my head " no".  The bed moved as Jesse moved up out of bed and ripped the duvet from my grasp. Instantly I curled up into a ball and put my head under my pillows, Jesse grabbed them off me

" we have to get up" I heard him laugh. I grabbed his pillows and put my head under them as well

" never!" he pulled the pillows off me " you have literally pulled everything off the bed Jess!"

" get up!" he chuckled grabbing my feet and dragging me down off the edge of the bed with a thump. I landed in the pile of duvets and pillows

" I hate you" I mumbled as I pulled myself up and walked into the bathroom

" you weren't saying that last night" Jesse said quietly. I turned back and gave him evils as he winked cheekily at me as I closed the door. I sighed and started getting myself ready for the day ahead at work. With one eye still closed I washed my face and shook out my hair.

" babe?" Jesse said tapping on the door

" yeah" I opened the door to see Jesse leaning on the frame with his phone in his hand

" Hop just text saying I don't need to go in, there's been a mix up with the time sheets and Quiggers has gone down in my place. Do you want to stay here and I'll go in for you?" He asked

I contemplated the idea of getting back into bed and having a lie in...... as tempting as it was I would be a good girlfriend ..... and also get Jesse to do the chores!

" I'll go, you stay" I said " on one condition, you clear this place up!" I laughed as Jesse groaned

" ok, right I'll leave you to get ready then" Jesse slowly turned before diving onto the bed and pulling the covers and pillows back onto the bed.

" fuck sake" I sighed jokingly as I threw on my uniform. I got my breakfast and coffee before coming back into the bedroom and kissing Jesse goodbye. " see you later" I smiled walking out of the bedroom picking up the car keys as I left the apartment.

I drove to work with the music on full blast, This kiss by carly rae Jepson was on. It was a great high energy song making me feel much more awake. it wasn't long before I got to bondi and walked into the tower.

" hey sim!" whippet greeted me as I put my bag down. " have you seen your picture you posted last night?"

" no, i didnt go on it last night, I was.... busy"

" sure you were... but its... well look for yourself" Whippet said turning back to the water

I pulled out my phone and brought twitter up

" oh my......"

There was thousands of comments, retweets, likes, picture reply's everything! Everyone had gone a little wild with the news! Instagram had tonnes of likes and everyone seemed .. happy at the news. Comments were still coming in, people had made edits and stuff with pictures. It was all lovely.

" wow, jesus christ!" was all I could say to that!

" yeah, people seem pretty happy your together" Quiggers laughed

" well, the ship is sailing now" I teased putting my phone down and checking the rota to see where I was for the day. I was with Quiggers at south end for the morning then tower duty with Deano.

As luck would have it (bondi rescue fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now