training for the challenge

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groaning I rolled over and hit the alarm, me and Jesse were going to have a hardcore training day today, starting with a run and swim then a heavy gym session, great!. I sat up as Jesse began to wake up and walked out into the kitchen, I didn't need to bother with a shower as I was going to get sweaty and wet with Jesse in about 45 minutes! I put on some swim shorts, a bikini top and a vest on over the top, I tied my hair up into a bun and grabbed my trainers.

We had breakfast and set off for maroubra beach where we were going to be training, we would also be training at bondi during our lunch breaks. We jogged to maroubra which was actually harder than it should have been, but with recent events and my coma I hadn't been training as much as I should have been.

" god, I really have let my fitness go!" I gasped to Jesse as we ran side by side along the pavements, it wasn't far to maroubra but I was really feeling it when we got there, luckily we were doing the sprint courses rather than the long one!.

I stripped out my vest and put it on a rock whilst we trained. We started with the run, it was a 300metre run in the course so we ran that distance a few times. I managed to keep pace with Jesse at first but then we both started to ease of, running to the beach had done us in!. Next we did the swim leg, which was another 300 metre swim. Luckily the water was warm so it made it easier!, We swam a imaginary M shaped course as Jesse knew from last year how the course was set out and I remembered from watching that episode. It would be the board paddle next but we needed rescue boards which we didn't have

" we will do board work at bondi, in the mornings, lunch breaks and after work!" Jesse said whilst I was bent over trying to catch my breath

" this is going to kill me!" I gasped

" that was only one leg, don't forget there 3 legs!" jesse said placing his hand on my back, I groaned and straightened up, " we'll do one more lap and then we'll go to the gym" Jesse said " come on!" he said jogging away " bet I'll beat you!" he shouted, this spurred me on, I am really competitive and was desperate to win!. I ran after him trying to keep up on the sand, I finally caught up with him, he was really fast!. Jesse kicked off his trainers and ran straight into the sea, I followed after him and swam behind him trying to catch up. He was to far ahead for me to win so I took matters into my own hands!

I cut across the imaginary M and swam back into shore. I stood on the waters edge and waited for Jesse to emerge from the waves. He appeared and looked back into the sea expecting to see me coming out the water, I coughed and he turned round and saw me standing there smiling with my arms crossed.

" wha what, you were way behind me!" he stammered not clocking that I had cheated

" well I'm just to fast for you!" I said with a smile

" you cheated!" he said walking towards me. I laughed and stood there

" sore loser!" I giggled. The next thing I knew I was being picked up by my waist and carried to the sea!, I was dropped in and I was hit by a wave, Jesse was practically wetting himself laughing at me as I stood up, he ran off down the beach and I ran after him

" you git!" I yelled running after him, I had a sudden burst of energy and managed to catch up to him, I tackled him to the ground from behind and he landed on the soft sand with a thump. He rolled over quickly so I was underneath him, he pinned my arms above my head and was sat lightly on my stomach holding me down. I wriggled and writhed trying to escape but my laughter was stopping me, I couldn't move properly!

" say you cheated!" Jesse said still sat over me

" never!" I said jokingly

" right then, you asked for it!" he said removing his hand from my arms and tickling me, I was really ticklish so I screamed out in laughter

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