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I wore a Burgundy dress which fell to my knees, I let my hair down and put on matching heels to match the dress.
"This stupid dinner" I cursed under my breath, watching Duncan fix his hair and Quigley try and put his dress shoes on. In the next 30 minutes, we were out the door.

On the ground level, we met up with our parents, who led us to the restaurant of the hotel. Quigley commented on the set-up of the hotel. Me and Duncan chuckled under our breath at Quigley's comment.

We found our table which was fairly large, I mean for 2 families it had to be huge. The Baudelaires were already sitting at the table. Of course, they were. My mother and father sat down next to Mr and Mrs Baudelaire leaving us triplets to sit with the Baudelaire siblings.

Sunny sat in the middle of Violet and Klaus. Duncan and Quigley sat down, leaving me to sit down next to Klaus.

Klaus was wearing a black dress shirt, a dark red vest, and black pants. His outfit just so happened to match mine.

The waiter, whose name is Larry. He came over and handed us our menus. I skimmed over the menu, and Duncan whispered something about wanting the chicken burger.

"You can't have the chicken burger" I whispered back, "eat the chicken alfredo pasta, that's what I'm eating" I whispered.

"I want the chicken burger though" He whined under his breath.

"Duncan," I said sternly under my breath. He pouted but then nodded.

"Are you guys ready to order?" Larry said coming up. Everyone placed their orders. "Hi can I have the chicken alfredo" I said. Eventually, the food came and we started to eat. The parents dove off into a conversation. The dinner went by smoothly until Mr Baudelaire stood up to speak.

"Us adults need to talk about some work, you kids head up to the rooms and hang out together" Mr Baudelaire said. I groaned. I didn't want to 'hang' out with Klaus. I turned my head, and Klaus' eyes met with mine. Obviously, he heard me groan.

The Baudelaire Siblings led us to their hotel room. They opened the door and let us in. Violet put her stuff down and started talking.

"We should play a game!" She exclaimed towards us.

Klaus rolled his eyes, holding his little sister's hand. "What game?" He asked involuntarily

"Truth or dare" She answered a smirk on her face.

This night is going to be hell.

Hope yall enjoyed <33 

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