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Jules came to my house early so that we could get ready before the party and she also was going to sleep over afterwards. It turns out that Quigley and Duncan were also coming to Monika and Carmelita's stupid party. I'm only going because Jules, Quigley and Duncan are forcing me to attend the party.

And Jules wore a matching outfit with me, I wore a red skirt and Jules wore a blue skirt. We both wore a leather jacket over the dark blue crop top underneath.

Quigley was in charge of dropping us off at the party because he's the oldest triplet duh. He was also responsible for being the person to make sure we all made it home, we all know that Duncan is going to be the only person not drinking so he's going to be the one driving us back home.

We waved goodbye to our parents as Quigley unlocked the car we shared. Me and Jules slid into the back seat as Quigley was driving and Duncan was the passenger princess.

"This party's gonna be fire!" Duncan exclaimed munching on the packet of gummy worms he brought along with him.

I rolled my eyes, "why did you bring those gummy worms?" I asked trying to steal his gummy worms from his arms. 


I grabbed a Coke and stood against the table as my eyes looked around the room. My eyes landed on Klaus Baudelaire who was talking with his sister. He was wearing a black dress shirt and black pants. His glasses were pushed up his face as he held a cup of what looked to be coke.

He looked cute

I mean he always looks cute.

Jules must have caught me staring at him, because she came up next to me, bumping my shoulder as she did.

We spent the next 40 minutes standing there chatting about random things until Monika Jeffriess and Carmelita Spats came up to us.

"Cakesiffer, painter lady" Carmelita greeted, sticking her arm sarcastically. Jules reached out to shake it, but suddenly Carmelita pulled the arm back and smiled sarcastically at us.

"Glad you could make it" Monika said sarcastically, in the exact same tone as Carmelita had. Damn, she's such a try-hard sometimes. They walked away before we could reply. Carmelita walked to the front with Monika on her tail.

"LET'S PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE"! Carmelia screamed standing on top of a table, Monika on the side jumping up and down.

This party is going to be hell.



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