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I rushed down the stairs, being late. Was I late on purpose? Probably. "Isadora, what took you so long" My father sighed.

"Sorry Mum and Dad," I said, as my mother shook her head. We walked out the door, Duncan and Quigley were in charge of putting the luggage in the car. I handed them my bags and stood against the car.

Something cluttered in the next house over. I turned my head, looking over at the Baudelaire's mansion. Klaus Baudelaire stood outside, wearing a dark red sweater and a white collar peeking through. He was wearing black dress pants, he pushed his glasses up as his older sister came outside. Violet Baudelaire was wearing a red dress, matching with Klaus.

"Klaus!, You can't bring that many books" Violet huffed out, hands on her hips. Klaus rolled his eyes playfully at his older sister. The door opened again and came out Mr, Mrs and Sunny Baudelaire walked out.

"Stop staring at your boyfriend!" Quigley shouted a little too loud from the car window. Klaus and Violet whipped their heads around facing us. I turned my head, I could feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks as I opened the car door. Quigley and Duncan smirked as the car started. While we drove away, I saw Klaus Baudelaire with a blush on his cheeks.


We got to the hotel, and surprisingly it was nice. We made it before the Baudelaires did, so we checked in because we didn't want to hang out in the car. Me, Duncan and Quigley were sharing one hotel room. Violet, Klaus and Sunny were sharing a hotel room. Our parents had one hotel room while Mr and Mrs Baudelaire had one.

The hotel was lovely, it had a huge library, a pool and a gym. The room was fairly big, Quigley and Duncan were sharing a bed and I was getting my own bed, the perks of being the female triplet.

I placed my bags on the floor next to the bed and watched Duncan and Quigley fight over who was sleeping on the right side.

"Fine Duncan take the right, I'll take the left" Quigley sighed, feeling defeated. He then spread his body over the left side of the bed.

"Thank you, Quig" Duncan smiled happily. I rolled my eyes at their petty-ness. My phone pinged indicating a text message. I opened the message to see it was from Jules, she was asking if we made it. I texted back and put my phone down to be met with an egar Quigley.

 "Is that Jules?" he asked a certain look in his eyes.

"Yes, Do you like her or something?" I asked as Quigley blushed. 

Someone knocked at our front door, and Duncan ran to get it first, The door revealed to be our mother.

"Isadora, Duncan, Quigley" She smiled. "Hope you guys like the room. Dinner's at 8:30 don't be late, Also it's with the Baudelaires so dress up" She said sternly, leaving the room, and closing the door behind her as she did.

My jaw dropped. Could this day get any worse?

two chapter's in one day??

hope ya'll enjoyed <33

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