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I wore a pink dress and white flats with a white bag. Quigley wore a nice white dress shirt so did Duncan. My mother knocked on the door of the Baudelaire Mansion, Mrs Baudelaire opened the door to the mansion.

"Hello Quagmires!" She exclaimed, letting us come into her house. "This way!" Mrs Baudelaire said guiding us to the huge dining room. The room was set up nicely with chairs for everyone. Mr Baudelaire was already in the room, pouring some wine into the glasses of the adults.

"Hello Quagmires" Mr Baudelaire said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Come, sit down" He said, pulling out a chair for Mrs Baudelaire.

"Where are the kids, dear?" Mr Baudelaire asked his wife after everyone sat down.

"Oh yes, I'll get them" Mrs Baudelaire nodded before getting up. "Actually Quagmire Triplets would you mind bringing them down?" Mrs Baudelaire asked, eyeing my parents. I looked towards my parents who nodded, and then Quigley and Duncan got up leaving me to get up. I got up following my triplet brothers.

We went up the stairs of the Baudelaire Mansion. When we got up to the top. Violet's room door was open, Duncan and Quigley looked at me and shrugged. I shrugged back towards them and walked to Violet's room.

When I walked into her room she was helping Sunny with her blonde hair, and Klaus was in the corner of the room on the floor reading a book. He was wearing a white dress shirt and cream-coloured pants.

"Oh hi, Dunc, Quigley and Isadora" Violet exclaimed once she realised we were there, suspicious she 'Dunc'. Klaus' eyes shot up from the book he was reading when Violet said that.

"Um, your mother's calling you down," I said, avoiding Klaus' gaze. Klaus put his book down on Violet's bed and grabbed Sunny and Violet's hand. They walked down the stairs with us on their trail.

"Children, glad you could join us" Mrs Baudelaire teased as Klaus sat down next to my chair.

"Sorry, Mum" Violet, Klaus and Sunny said simultaneously. "It's alright" Mrs Baudelaire smiled. Dinner went by as smoothly as possible, the parents were knee-deep in a conversation about work and I swear I heard them talk about fire. Duncan and Violet were talking while Quigley was having a staring contest with Sunny Baudelaire, leaving me to talk to Klaus.

Of course, I didn't want to.

But I mean I knew I had to.

But he ended up asking me about recent books I've read up on, I forgot why I hated him, It was like the old times before it happened. I told him I read up on new poets.

Dinner wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. 


i was out all weekend and I couldn't update :((

also pls vote <3

hope u enjoyed <3333

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