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I was standing by my locker when Jules ran up to my locker. "Are you high?" I asked pulling out a bag of gummy worms that I stole from Duncan from my locker, as Jules jumped up and down.

"NO, Actually I might be high on sugar- but anyways. I just got us to invited to Monika Jeffriess' party" She explained once she stopped jumping up and down.

Monika Jeffriess was the most popular girl right next to Carmelita Spats, who happened to be her best friend.

How did Jules Campbell snag two invitations to Monika's party? I started to blink fast, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How did you snag two invitations to Monika Jeffriess' party, That's like the party of the year!!" I exclaimed, stuffing my face with gummy worms I stole from Duncan.

Jules snagged a gummy worm from the packet in my hands.

"I have my ways" Jules said as we started to walk out of the school building.

"Comn J, Tell meee" I whined as we exited the school property.

"I offered to paint their portraits" Jules admitted looking down slightly in shame, her golden brown hair covering her face as she did. I stifled a laugh.

"You're going to paint Monika Jeffriess and Carmelia Spats' portraits??" I laughed pointing a finger at Jules.

"OKAY stop it Isadora" She said defensively putting her hands up. "I got us invited to the party of the year!" Jules exclaimed as we walked down the street.

"I need to see those portraits when you actually start them and get them done" I laughed as we reached my street.

"Well this is the rich street, bye bye Issie," Jules said before snatching the gummy worms out of my hands before she started waving goodbye to me as she ran down the opposite end.

I started to walk down the clean sidewalk, Quigley and Duncan would be home late today because of random clubs they've joined. I started to walk past the Baudelaire mansion, which was a must because to get to my house we had to walk past their really nice mansion.

While walking past, one Baudelaire was getting the mail out of their mailbox. Out of all of the Baudelaire's, it had to be Klaus Baudelaire.

He was standing there looking through the mail, he had changed out of the school uniform and was wearing a white dress shirt and a pair of brown pants. His glasses were slightly falling off of his nose as he put his head down to read the mail which was way too damn cute.

He hadn't noticed me yet so I tried to walk past him instead of staring at him like a creep, but at the worst moment, he looked up and saw me.

"Hello Isadora" He greeted kindly pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Hello Klaus" I greeted back in the same tone. I was trying to act like I wasn't staring at him like a creep. I started walking to my house, but he followed me.

"So are you going to Monika Jeffriess and Carmelita Spats' party?" Klaus asked once he caught up to me.

"Yeah, I might, how about you?" I asked looking forward and not at his cute face.

"Me and Violet might go" He answered once we reached my door. "Anyway, you should get inside," Klaus said before kissing my cheek and rushing off to his house.

WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM?? KISSING ME ON THE CHEEK?? I screamed inside my head as my face turned scarlet red. I walked inside my house as I thought about this stupid party.

So the eldest Baudelaires are coming to Monika and Carmelita's party? I wonder how this is going to play out.





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