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 The rest of the school went by as smoothly as it could be while fake dating Klaus Baudelaire. I was currently sitting at dinner with my family. My mum just made dinner and we were sitting peacefully at the table.

"So tomorrow, we're going to dinner at the Baudelaires" My father abruptly said. I was halfway through putting a spoonful of pasta in my mouth when he said that. Suddenly I could feel Duncan and Quigley's eyes watching me. I nodded at Dad's words, eyeing Quigley and Duncan.

My mother looked at me suspiciously when I ran up the stairs with Quigley and Duncan hot my trail. I was about to slam the closed but then Quigley and Duncan walked into my bedroom.

"Ooooooo" Quigley cooed a smirk placed on his face. Duncan was laughing like a hyena behind Quigley.

"You are going to see your boyfriend at his houseeeeeeeeeeee" Duncan smiled sitting on my bed.

"Get out of my room" I scolded, pushing Duncan on the floor. He hit his head on the soft fluffy carpet.

"Oww" He whined rubbing the back of his neck. Now it was Quigley's turn to laugh like a hyena.

"Stop complaining like a baby" I huffed out my arms crossed over my chest at his antics. We continued talking and teasing. They asked me about new couplets that I wrote, I asked about new maps that Quigley made, And I asked Duncan about new stuff he wrote for the school paper.

Once they finally left, I looked around my room to see if I needed to clean anything up. But then my eyes landed upon my window, my window which looked into Klaus Baudelaire's bedroom. I peered into his room and saw Him, His older sister Violet and His younger sister, Sunny in the room. Klaus looked like he was reading to his younger sister, Sunny and Violet had her hair tied up in a ribbon as she was tinkering with something in her hands.

They hadn't noticed me looking at them yet, so I closed the curtain before they could notice me staring at them. I sat there staring at the closed curtain for a little, and then I decided to complete some extra credit. Hey just because I'm 'dating' Klaus Baudelaire doesn't mean I'm still not in competition with him.

I got a text from Jules asking me what dress she should wear for her date with Quigley. I rolled my eyes and told her it was fine and that she shouldn't worry about what he was going to say.

After I finally finished my extra credit English assignment, I started to get ready for bed after I finished my I fell into an endless slumber. 



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