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Amaya stood among the group of demigods Chiron had picked for Percy to chose from. She was placed next to Annabeth and two people over from Luke. She stood with a straight back and her hands interlinked behind her back, she had a proud and confident look on her face as she stared straight ahead not making eye contact with anyone. Amaya had a feeling that Percy wasn't going to pick her to go on the quest. Something in her gut just told her.

"The Oracle has confirmed what we expected that this quest will proceed to the Underworld, where you will confront the god who has rebelled against his brothers. Hades." Chiron spoke the group. Amaya's face hardens at this comment. She knew that Hades was misunderstood, everyone saw him as the god of death that cares for only himself. But Amaya knew that he was so much more than that.

"The entrance to Hade's domain lies under the city of Los Angeles. This is where you will journey to. Time is short. I have selected our most compelling candidates, from which you will chose two to join you on this quest and ensure that we succeed." Chiron continued more so speaking to Percy than anyone else.

"Annabeth." Percy decided immediately.

Annabeth looked up at Percy almost shocked. She wasn't expecting him to chose her so fast. She turned her gaze towards her friend next to her. Amaya who was already looking at the girl, smiled nodding her head.

"This is your moment." She whispered.

"Thanks, Maya." Annabeth whispered back before turning her gaze back to Percy.

"Customarily, one awaits to at least hear a name or two before choosing. Are you sure you don't wanna hear more?" Chiron spoke in a hushed voice towards Percy.

"This thing, Zeus's master bolt, we need to get it back, right?" Percy asked.


"And it's gonna be hard to get, yes?"


"And if the mission required someone to push me down a flight of stairs for it to succeed... you'd want someone who won't hesitate when they do it." Percy explained.

"The first quest-mate shall be Annabeth Chase!" Chiron announced, proud of the young girl.

Annabeth smiled and nodded her head at Percy, before turning her gaze to Amaya who once again gave her a nod and a smile. Percy watched the interaction between the two girls and remembered the words that Luke told him. "Amaya would follow Annabeth to the ends of the world just to protect her. Family is everything to Amaya.". Percy whished he could bring her along, but he was wary of the prophecy that The Oracle had given him "You shall be betrayed by the one who calls you friend". He couldn't risk it.

"Now onto the other candidates." Chiron spoke.

"The other isn't here." Percy said, eyes only on Chiron.

Taken aback Chiron looked down and the young boy.

"Are you sure, Percy?"

"Yes, sir. I want to take Grover."

Chiron's gaze flicked towards Amaya quickly, before looking back to Percy.

"Very well, go inform the satyr." Chiron told him before dismissing the rest of the campers.

Taking a deep breath Amaya and Annabeth started to leave the area, Amaya wanted to help Annabeth pack and say her final goodbyes before she left camp.

"Amaya, I would like to talk to you, please." Chiron requested.

A little bit shocked Amaya turned around to face the centaur. "Um, y-yes of course, sir."


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