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Amaya and Percy walked side by side in the dark. They had left the restaurant not long ago and were making their way towards the amusement park that Ares had told them about. Amaya got the creeps from looking at the place, the darkness that surrounded them settled nicely over the park, it looked like it belonged there.

"I haven't seen a lot of horror movies, but this seems like exactly the kind of place they'd suggest to avoid." Percy stated as the two came to a stop in front of the massive sign claiming the place to be 'Waterland'.

"I've never seen any kind of movie. I'll have to take your word for it." Amaya replied shrugging as the two started to move inside the park.

"Never?" Percy asked shocked. "What do you mean 'never' like, 'never-never'?"

"Is there another kind?" Amaya reasoned looking up at the blonde-haired boy.

"Well, if neither of us is dead in a few days, we really ought to fix that. You're missing out." He said looking down at the dark-haired girl a hint of a smile on his face.

"Mmmm, what would you show me first?" Amaya questioned a sparkle in her eyes.

"Defiantly Deadpool." Percy decided.

"Okay then, sounds good."

The two teens reached a spinning gate that looked to be the entrance.

"In the meantime, we should probably get this over with, though." He spoke walking forward to get through the gate.

Amaya followed after the boy, her eyes scanning the machine. As Percy pushed on the gate the metal creaked and clanged, Amaya moved her gaze upwards where something shiny caught her view.

"Wait, Percy, stop." The girl called out as the machine started whirring. Suddenly the metal above Percy's head started turning, scaring the boy and confusing the girl.

"Wait, what just happened?" He asked her, his eyes trained on the machine above.

"Just hold still." Amaya responded still analyzing the machine. She could really use Annabeth right now. "Gimme a second, in the mechanism there, that's Celestial bronze. I think."

"Oh, fascinating." Percy sassed, his eyes still on the machine. "Amaya, what is happening right now?"

"Celestial bronze is what your sword is made of." The daughter of Hades explained, trying to get Percy to understand. "If you're a human, it'll pass right through you. If you're a monster or demigod... let's just say you'll be seeing my father sooner than we expected."

"Well, what's it doing there?" Percy asked, panic lacing his voice.

"That's a great question." Amaya replied, racking her brain for what this could mean. "Safe to say, this is not just some amusement park. A god built this." The girl stated.

"What kind of god builds amusement parks?"

A look of realisation came across Amaya's face as Percy spoke.

"Hephaestus." She said.

"Why would Hephaestus build and amusement park?"

"Maybe he finds them amusing?" Amaya asked trying to lighten the tension.

"That's really not funny, Amaya."

"It's a little funny." The girl said trailing off as she watched the machine. "Oh... Oh, look at that. That's kinda cool, I've gotta tell Annabeth about this."

"Amaya!" Percy called from inside the gate, panic rising in him.

"Just relax. I've got this." The girl reassured him. "Alright. Okay. Umm. I think this is the thing Annabeth was talking about a couple weeks ago. Just... push through it." Amaya spoke, the last bit a bit louder than the rest of it.

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