Chapter 106

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Mela scrabbled frantically at the collar of her armor, unzipping it

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Mela scrabbled frantically at the collar of her armor, unzipping it. "We need to hold them off until help arrives!"

I frowned, shouting to be heard against the clamorous sound of battle raging all around us. "Help?!"

Who the hells was there left to help us?

A rushing noise razored through the smoky air.


We jerked around just as a volley of cursed bolts hit their mark.

A thunderous BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

Forked lightning erupted through the darkness—

Chased quickly by the horrific noise of popping—

Waves of attacking scarabs, churning through the cavern in glistening black swirls, exploded like fireworks. Destroyed by the Children of the Harbinger in a swift, clever move.

Coughing and squinting against the roiling smoke, I hastily surveyed the cavern. Heat washed out on scorching winds stirred by battle and the godsawful smell of burning flesh sickened my guts. My heart slammed against my ribs at the fraught fighting the Crowthers were engaged in as they fended off the masked warriors. More and more Văduvas fell to the might of the gathering army.

Dread doused all the hope from my chest.

Gods, this cavern was going to be our tomb.

Sheathing my swords quickly, I shoved at Yezekael to move faster, anxious to get him and Mela to a place of protection, while my mind sped along differing strategies as to how the fuck we were going to get out of this mess. The lesser creature winced as he limped along, the rattle of chains barely discernible above the deafening noise of warfare. Mela hurried by my side, her forearm brushing up against my own when she pulled the long gold necklace she'd worn free of her jacket. A small pendant dangled from the end of the loop. "When we fail to show up our runners will come find us."

My eyes flared wide. Shit, I'd forgotten about the runners stretched along the tunnels to the subway maintenance corridors. Jiao led the team tending to the wounded from the fight in Yezekael's nest, and they might still be in the catacombs too. But still, even their numbers joining ours wouldn't be enough, not against the growing tide of warriors.

Mela yanked hard on the chain around her neck, snapping it. The necklace's broken length slithered like an asp to the ground.

I stilled. Yezekael too, while war seethed around us.

Crossbow bolts slashed through the cavern, loaded with cursed thunder—

The crashing clank of swords fumed between fighters—

Exploding weaponry struck rock and sent a spray of stones wide.

But our attention was bewitched by Mela's swollen and bloodied fingers pinched around the smooth triple-twisted pendant. The shape of it reminded me of a tiny egg. In the corner of my eye, I caught the change in Yezekael's expression to surprise and eagerness as he leaned closer, his eyes fixed greedily upon the pendant clasped between Mela's fingers.

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