Chapter 118

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The limousine swept through the early hours of the morning, following the long driveway that wove along the Crowthers' estate like a serpent

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The limousine swept through the early hours of the morning, following the long driveway that wove along the Crowthers' estate like a serpent. The night sky was as black as the dark fury burning beneath my skin.

I'd been dragged, spitting and snarling, from the Emporium by a pair of Valarie's bodyguards and shoved into the vehicle. Like a trapped animal, I'd let loose my rage, snatching off my stupid high heels to throw at anyone within range, striking out with my adamere bracelet and using it like a whip, before I'd been manhandled into submission.

For the last two hours, I'd been cooped up in the vehicle with nothing but two sharp-eyed guards and my anger for company as we'd traveled from Ascendria along highways and lonely country roads. Not even having all that time to myself had calmed me down. Nor had the soothing sounds of the adamere beads chinking against one another been able to remind me to keep my temper in check. My anger had festered like an infected wound poisoning my bloodstream. I couldn't think clearly. I could barely draw in a breath of air without it being tainted by vicious heat. I wanted to rip Valarie apart with my bare hands. Indeed, any Crowther that came near me.

Ferne had promised me more time.

But her aunt had torn me from my parents too soon.

Valarie fucking Crowther.

I was still reeling from my mother's revelation. Despite both her and Graysen insisting that Valarie had been someone entirely different before all of this, I couldn't get past this version of her in my head. She was despicable and cruel. I couldn't understand how my father had fallen in love with her all those years ago. What the hells had he seen in her?

The limousine slowed down and swung wide. I pressed closer to the car window to peer outside as we edged around the lead cars in the convoy. They'd stopped outside the front entrance of the Keep. Crowther guards and soldiers deployed from the SUVs and one of them assisted Ferne from a vehicle.

We passed the collection of vehicles and rattled over the drawbridge, gliding to a gentle halt inside the Keep's inner courtyard. I fidgeted with the loops of my bracelet, impatient to get myself out of this close confinement. One of the bodyguards leaned forward, her hand stretching for the door handle, but I swooped forward fast and elbowed her aside. "I can fucking get out by myself!"

Flinging the door open, I practically tumbled out of the limousine. My hair was a wild mess of tangled curls. Spiraled tendrils bounced in front of my eyes as I whirled around hunting for Valarie. My gaze landed on her just as she ducked out of a second limousine that had traveled ahead of us.

Valarie was taking a phone call. As she straightened her figure, I heard her reply, "Thank you. We'll be in touch soon for the details."

She ended the call and her heels grated upon stone as she swiveled around toward where I stood. Weak strands of warm light filtering from the Keep burnished her tall, elegant figure in dark gold, while the flames burning from wildfyre torches flowed over the cobblestones in a wash of blue.

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