Chapter 43

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Shamefully, I strained to hear if Graysen would moan my name once more

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Shamefully, I strained to hear if Graysen would moan my name once more. The textured wallpaper rasped against my fingertips and warmed my palm as I skimmed my hand closer to my ear pressed against the wall. I briefly wondered if Graysen was standing opposite me. If perhaps his large, blunt-tipped fingers were braced against wet stone slick with condensation exactly where mine were spread, steaming-hot streams of water raining downward, pelting his hard body... His naked body.

Fierce heat ignited between my legs. I bit down on my bottom lip, barely able to stop myself from moaning as a hot lick of desire speared my core the moment I held him in my mind, standing in the misted shower, water flowing over his muscled physique, making that natural golden skin of his glisten.

I rubbed my thighs together to douse the flames that scorched my blood with lust.

Holy Skalki...

I froze. My eyes widened and my nostrils flared.

Too late, too late...

Dark warning rushed through my body. Sharp adrenaline quickened my heartbeat as his scent drifted into my bedroom to spike the air with him, a sweet elixir I greedily gulped down. I couldn't stop myself from savoring the taste of cedar, swallowing down more of it, each breath exquisite torture. The taste of him soothed my throat and softened my taut limbs, making my muscles lax and languid.

More, more, more...

Slowly, awareness of the danger I'd brought upon myself, how I'd chosen to tease and taunt the tamer, began to filter through my mind like soft morning light through sheer curtains.

I needed to get out of this room and run far away from Graysen.

And then it was far too late.

As soon as a strange sound came from behind the wall separating us, I stilled.

My eyebrows inched together as I slowly tilted my head, all my senses alert and cast wide.

What is that?

The sound came again, this time pitched much lower, and it rumbled from Graysen's throat—gruff and fierce with need.

A growl.

A demand.

A call.

The commanding tenor trembled through stone, wood, and plaster to vibrate through my fingertips and down the length of my arm to buzz beneath my skin as if I were a hive of bees.

Merciless craving.

Cruel desire.

I couldn't avoid that growl that demanded I come to his call—now. It resonated through my entire being, right through the mess of magical fibers that tied the two of us together as one. The Alverac and its iron teeth, filaments forged from the darkest of Horned God magic. The whispering silken threads of midnight and sunshine that bound us together as wyrm and tamer. And something else, something intrinsically us and much simpler, strands formed from shadow and light—a boy and a girl.

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