the dream

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Howdy, rats. How y'all 30, flirty, and thriving? I've finally decided to start a new book (it's literally been like a week :////) but the grind never stops, ya dig?

So this is about a siren and a human who (regrettably for both) end up being mates. AKA soulmates. Enemies to lovers except they can't be assed to care about each other enough to EVEN hate each other. That's how indifferent they are.

Anyways i hope y'all enjoy. And ps, what y'all doing? and why wasn't i invited?

My bf's birthday is coming up except 1) we're long distance and 2) i'm too poor to drive up there again (it's 10 hours away, no shit) so yeah. NOT TO MENTION that valentines day is coming up and this is the second year in a row that we won't see each other. I am utterly devastated.

Does anyone wanna be my valentine to make him jealous? You don't even have to tolerate me. Just buy me flowers (preferably hydrangeas or blue irises) and then literally propose <3 that oughta be enough to motivate him to drop out of college just in time for him to come down here and dick me down romantically.

Anyways happy reading <3


The tale starts like this:

My name is Esmarie Kestrel. I'm 21 years old, and I'm studying at Hollowfaye Community College in hopes of majoring in Theater Arts and minoring in Fashion Design. I want to be a seamstress for productions, to make costumes that are performed in.

But the dreams I have every night have been haunting me in my waking life. Even my professors have commented on the drastic change in me.

"Ms. Kestrel," Madame Karpe said when she pulled me to the side after I'd pricked the lead five times in the rump with my needle. I'd been trying to perfect the way the dress fit on her, but I'd only made it lopsided. It nearly exposed her breasts every time she practiced the choreo. "Didn't sleep well?"

It wasn't really a question because it was obvious. The dark purple circles under my eyes were screaming at everyone who looked at me, and what they were saying was: "DON'T SPEAK TO ME! I'M CRIMINALLY OVERWORKED AND UNDERPAID! AND MORE THAN THAT, I'M JUST A GIRL! AN INDENTURED SERVANT BUT A GIRL, NONETHELESS!!!"

"No, ma'am, I've been trying to stay awake." She gave me a questioning look, but I didn't elaborate. I left class early, and everyone was secretly relieved. I couldn't blame them.

And I couldn't explain why I didn't want to sleep, you see. Because nobody would take me seriously. What's there to be scared of in a dream? Nothing can hurt you there.

Only, this boy could. This boy who's been haunting me.

I remember only this about the reoccurring dreams: His touch was real. I could feel his webbed fingers lingering around me even when I awoke. I could still see the glowing of his moonstone white-blue eyes. They were bigger than my fists and had black beads alongside them. The black orbs blinked as if the three pairs of them were a collection of secondary eyes, trying to track my movement and my detail.

It was when he opened his mouth, the sharp grey-white razors that traveled in rows to the back of his throat, that I attempted to scream. Only I was chugging down ocean water, right into my lungs. I coughed it back out, and he seemed to laugh at this. Ink-black hair that floated around his face as he reached out for me, trying to pull me closer, trying to pull me down with him.

His fingers clenched around my throat, his claws pressed into my racing heartbeat. His head tilted to the side. The globe-like moonstones flickered between both of my eyes and then down to my lips.

I wanted to vomit. I needed to hurl. I desired nothing more than to gag at his proximity, at his very existence.

He didn't have eyelids, but his pupils expanded, making it look as though he was shutting his eyes as he leaned forward. His hand moved from my neck, tangling gently into my sandy brown hair. He was soft and sensual, and, even worse, slimy.

I tried to push back, but he had an unnatural strength. It was unsurprising. His biceps were bigger than my face, his abs looked stronger than a brick wall. I didn't like when they were used against me. I didn't like that he was going in for a kiss and there was nothing I could do to get away from this sharkbait of a man.

"Please, don't." My voice was muffled by bubbles.

He understood anyway. He paused and just swam there in one place, holding me to his chest, stroking my cheek ever so softly, as if he were scared his brute strength would hurt me.

"I won't hurt you." He whispered. It was music. A melody when there was no music. It almost made me reconsider my rejection. It lured me in. Like maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let him kiss me. It was just a dream after all. "I would never hurt you."

"I-I just want to wake up." I shook off the safety he gave me. It was an illusion. It had to be. This guy had a tail, a mermaid tail, for fuck's sake. "Please," I begged, pushing him away. He was confused and hurt, but he let me go anyway. "Please, I just want to wake up. This isn't real."

He didn't say anything else. But he left. There I stayed, floating in the icy cold waters, waiting for my alarm to wake me and return me ashore.



So i know what you're thinking: "Bitch wtf, they didn't even fuck raw and break the headboard >;l screw you and all the time you let me waste"

and to that i say, "Like doi bitch it's only chapter one. not to mention this one was a shortie. not to mention they haven't met yet. whats the point of a sex dream if they dont even hate each other yet? goddddd"

in conclusion, be patient dearies. before i jumpscare on y'alls asses.

tune in to the next chapter where O.o something will definitely happen O.o


handmaidenofvenus (venus_in_fleurs)

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