byrtie knows of a legend

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buckle up deariums, this one is a long one. I hope yall don't absolutely detest it. And if you do??? Why are you even here??? you know my writing is subpar. And if you haven't realized that by now??? I'm kinda confused. 

enjoy yourselves, babes. ain't no fucking in this one. just so yall know.


I woke up and could immediately sense that I was late for class. It was this foreboding aura that overtook my chest that made me jolt up and stumble around confused in the dimly lit living room for a few minutes.

My brain acted concussed, like I couldn't figure out where I was. None of the surroundings were familiar to me, like I couldn't make out if I was still in my mom's old house or at my grandma's or if I'd stayed the night at Waverly's and just forgot.

It all quickly came back as soon as my eyes fell on Féilim. The warmth from the summer on the hillside and his touch, the smell of the breeze passing over the stream, the weight of the flower crown on my scalp... It all came back tenfold. 

"Feilim..." I walked over to him and nudged his foot with mine. "Hey. Hey, you." I whispered so delicately that I knew he wouldn't wake up. I didn't want him to. Even I was disappointed to leave such a peaceful dream, I couldn't even fathom how badly he needed it. 

"Tell you what," I murmured, "I'll make you some coffee and you can have it when you wake up. Okay?" He snored. 

I stumbled into the bedroom to dress first, and threw on whatever fabric felt the softest. It ended up being a sage green slip and a white fur coat with a silver trim over it to replicate the heat from the dream. I'd need it for the outside world. I could feel the autumn chill seeping in under the door. 

I grabbed my rotting and withering eye sore and lugged it behind me. The production outfits were nearly complete. With some gentle love and affection, they'd be ready in no time at all.

Before I left, I put the coffee pod into the maker and then stuck a sticky note on the button that he needed to press to turn it on. I figured he wouldn't understand. As soon as I shut the door behind me, I ran the entire way to class.

As soon as I opened the door, everyone including the teacher stared at me with an alabaster pale shine. They were surprised to see. Surprised I was even still alive. Surprised I'd showed up for days in a row. It was unlike me to not skip a class. I took my seat and Heath and Waverly high-fived me. The professor continued after he cleared his throat. 

At the production, I met up with Byrtie as soon as I spotted her across the black box theater. 

"You! You look like you want to help me sew something." I smiled. She laughed back and shrugged.

"It is what I'm here for." 

"Okay good, so," I broke the sticky seal of the trunk and pulled out my sewing kit and the outfits that needed her attention. "These are just about done, but you should probably address their issues."

"Wow!" I thought it was a sound of disgust. Like there were too many issues to address, but she delicately pulled the fabric through my fingers and I turned back to see nothing less than awe in her features. Her mouth was wide open and at a loss for words. "Esmarie. Oh my god. This is stunning."

I quirked an eyebrow, "Yeah? I mean it's not exactly what I'd envisioned but we're short on time. I figure it at least gets the vibe across." 

"It's gorgeous. Look at the cut of it, goodness me." 

"Are you joshing me right now?"

This grabbed her attention away from the dress for just a second, "What?" 

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