a seriously disturbing amount of passionate sex

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hello besties and fellow rats from the hellsites known as tumblr and wattpad. thanks for tuning in for more monster fucking. the monster fucking hasn't started yet but it's only a matter of time. consider this a warning <;O


My feet were aching. Those heels were a mistake. And the corset of this dress was forcing my breasts up to my chin and my lungs in on themselves. The pain of beauty was getting to be a bit much.

It was almost worth it when every now and then a girl from one of my classes would compliment my shoes or my makeup or my hair or, of course, my dress. I would compliment them back on their purse or their freshly-lacquered nails or their drunk singing on the at-home karaoke machine.

It made the pain go away just for an instant. Compliments from drunk women tended to be that powerful. But the pain always returned. And the exhaustion and anxiety came back ten-fold.

I had just about enough of watching Waverly and Heath thrill everyone with their tangoes and waltzes and cha chas. To top it off, she'd taken the rose from her teeth and pressed it behind my ear before he twirled her around and pulled her back into his arms.

It was a dismal night, to be clear.

I took another shot and adjusted my skirt. And tried to whimper to Waverly that I was gone-for and I'd be in my bed, pouring tears into my pillow if she wanted to find me. But it was no use. She couldn't hear me over the karaoke.

And then, I saw something that made me freeze. Or rather someone. He hadn't noticed me yet. But there he stood, leant up against the counter in the kitchen, talking to some guy in my theater class.

The guy. The MONSTER from my dreams. Standing there with his jet-black hair... And not? Green-blue skin? And no mermaid tail? Or globe-like moonstone eyes?



I was drunk.

I was beyond drunk.

The guy was normal-looking and he bore a resemblance to some creature that was haunting me... An uncanny resemblance, but still. I was hallucinating. Oh, god. This night could not get any worse. How ill must I be for him to haunt me in my waking life? For me to see him in an innocent, unsuspecting stranger?

I needed a nap. Or psychiatric help. There were no other options. I was seriously losing it. And to make matters worse, I was staring.

He laughed at something the guy said and turned his head slightly in my direction. And I was far beyond any help at all, beause the monster was all I could see. With his glowing eyes. And his webbed fingers. And his slimy tail where his legs should be.

His eyes met mine.

Something fucking wild and beyond explanation happened.

A hallucination, a moving picture where the party should be. My heart pounded harder in my chest, and I thought I'd for sure hurl as the film rolled. It was us. Our lives together.

There we were in a moonlit-tone, lovingly-rosy vision. He was holding my hands, kissing me hard on the mouth, his tongue moving against mine, his mouth all over me, and an orgasm so intense my fingers clenched by my side and my legs quivered in real life even though I was frozen in place.

And then there was me, on top of him. Pinning him down. His fingers curled around my ass, his mouth all over my breasts as he throbbed under me. He was pulsing with pleasure, his heartbeat pounding through his skin, just under my fingers as I rode him. He finished and his abs and biceps pressed me harder into him as he twitched. He was breathless and whimpering into my skin. But it wasn't the end. The vision only continued as we were trapped in each other's eyes.

There we were under the cold waves, floating beneath the bay, webbed fingers holding webbed fingers. He with a sea-green tail and teal-blue fins. Me with...

Oh my god...

I couldn't force my eyes away, nor would the vomit leave my contracting stomach, but, god, did I want to look away and hurl. Me with a rose red tail and cream fins. It was almost painful to watch. We were in each other's arms, our tails intertwined, my head buried in his chest, the passion between us sickly sweet.

And then there was us, buried in the sand, me watching the sunset, him leaning on his elbow as he played with my hair and smiled down at me. Both naked, with... Legs. Human legs. Still disgustingly intertwined like we couldn't bear to be out of each other's touch for even a second.

We weren't in Black Crescent Bay anymore. We were somewhere far away. And then I saw, I shit you not, a dreaded ring on my finger. His hand was gently placed on my stomach--oh god, my stomach.

Round with...

Please no.

A baby? He kissed my shoulder and whispered sweet-nothings into my ear that were blurry. Thankfully, I couldn't make them out.

I couldn't endure anymore. The vision prevailed, showing us forever. Us growing old. Us still young, having a disgusting amount of passionate sex. Him finishing me with his mouth, his fingers, his dick. It was a length and a thickness that genuinely concerned me, and my cheeks heated up. And then there were more visions of us under the water. Us raising babies. Our wedding. Our funeral. All played out of order, but all with the same moon-lit tone and romantically rosy vision.

And then it was over. Reality faded into view. The karaoke. Waverly and Heath dancing to a new number. Another girl was complimenting me on my outfit. I couldn't hear anything, it was the last sense to return.

We were still trapped within each other's gaze. Wetness was, unfortunately, smearing along my inner thighs, and I knew should've worn panties. At least then I could've ignored the butterflies in my stomach and how the vision had my walls tightening for him.

At least, a version of him. The vision of him that wasn't real--couldn't be real.

His eyes... They were the same moonstone blue. And he was raising both eyebrows at me. Not like he was asking me, "What the fuck are you staring at, you wackjob?" but more like he was saying, "You?"

There seemed to be recognition in his face, but I knew that couldn't be. Nobody saw what I just saw. Not even him. He couldn't have. He couldn't have known about the dreams either.

I knew I was seriously so far beyond help that I'd have to be thrown into a mental hospital. Or... I'd been drugged. There were drugs in the rum and the shots and the cigarettes and I was seriously, incomprehensibly losing it.

I turned to leave. I could barely walk in the heels, but I ran anyway. I had to get home. I had to rest. My brain was malfunctioning. I needed help that only a good night's rest could supply.

I didn't expect to be followed.




To get to the monster fucking or to get to the hypothetical monster fucking? that is the question

also if you couldn't tell. they're mates. soul mates. They have an entire life together. That is, if they could stop hating each other for five seconds.

I hope yall enjoyed... in the next chappie, they might even talk to each other uwu. stay tuned for hatred and suffering and esmarie being a mermaid-denier.




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