a fiery soul

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"How's the research going?" Féilim jumped back at my voice, banging his head on the underside of a bookshelf.

He rubbed at his massive boo-boo with clenched eyes as he turned around, "Not well. What are you doing here?"

I hmphed, "Is that any way to greet your dearly beloved?"

His eyes slowly opened at that. My heart always pounded in my chest when I saw how pure white-blue they were. It was as if he could always see right through me.

"Is that any way to sneak up on your dearly beloved? I'm doing top-secret sleuthing here, you know."

I sat down beside him and peered over his shoulder at the books he had wide-open all over the library floor. One was 'The Ballad of Hollowfaye' written by one mayor who died like a hundred billion years ago. I only recognized it from the poem we had to critically analyze in high school.

It was stupid, and about a man who wanted to stick his cock in a tree or something. I failed the assignment, truth be told.

"Is there anything I can help with? Anything at all that'll end your stay? Anything that could potentially send you on your merry little way?"

He scratched his chin and inspected the books, almost like he was actually thinking over an answer.

"I don't know." He sighed finally and slumped down against the shelf. His eyes fluttered closed, "I feel like I'm looking for someone who doesn't exist."

I rolled my eyes, "Duh, Féi, he's from your world, remember? He doesn't exist to us." I flipped a book closed, "At least not in these. You might just have to ask around."

"Yeah," he snorted sarcastically, "And hold up a picture of a lizard and say 'Have you seen this man? He's armed and dangerous!' I don't think so. I miss being in Iyael. Fighting crime was so much easier when I didn't have to hide behind so many fallacies."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "How do you even know who you're looking for? Just because a river told you?"

"She's a stream," he scoffed, "And NO. I can feel it. I've got a skill for that kind of thing."

I turned my whole body to face him, "And what skill is that, exactly?"

"Seeing people based on their essence alone. It's like. I can't see their faces exactly, but I can sense what they feel like, what they look like."

It was a confusing skill. I didn't really understand it.

"Okay... well... Did you feel me?"

His cheeks flamed, "I already told you I could."

I rolled my eyes, "No, I mean. Could you feel my essence before you met me? Like? Did you know what I looked like too? Did you know what to expect in a mate?"

He paused. He turned to look at me, but his eyes were far off. It was like he was trying to remember.

"Well, I didn't know what you looked like, and I didn't know you'd be human. But I knew the kind of person you'd be."

I stared back at him, "And what kind of person is that?"

I crossed my arms in offense. Because what the fuck was he getting at? That I'm a person with a personality and hobbies? Rude ass fucking whale.

"You've got fire inside you." He murmured, "You're not afraid to fight for yourself and what you want. And you've had this dream for your life for so long, and you want it so hard and so badly that I can almost see it myself. I can see... You... With needle-pricked fingers and sweat on your forehead and so much exhaustion that you don't even notice because you're so satisfied with yourself and what you've done and how far you've come..."

He trailed off and his eyes gently closed. He took a deep, deep breath and said, "You're so proud of everything you've accomplished. And it's almost a point you're trying to prove... like you're showing her that you can go far too, and you can be happy, and you won't let your ambitions or the world around you take anything from you... Not even for a second."

He opened his eyes, and they held mine. The vision didn't even replay. We just stared at each other.

"Well... Well..." my brain was foggy as I tried to think of something to say, "Do you know if they're up to no good right now? Maybe they've already gotten themselves a record? At the police station? We could ask them."

He chortled as if it was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard. Then he stopped. And he looked at me and jumped to his feet, "Wait. I have an idea." He offered me his hand.

Before I could ask where'd he get his fat booty cheeks from, he was pulling me out of the library, leaving our mess for the next unsuspecting bitch.






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