an actual good dream

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The dream was warm. Like summer. I was sat on a hill covered in flowers, that overlooked a medieval village cut in half by a glimmering stream. Birds chirped in harmony all around me, and fat bumble bees buzzed harmlessly as they danced around in rose bushes and wildflowers.

My hair was in an intricate braid behind me, and my floral print corset was way more comfortable than I expected. Even more comfortable than a push-up bra. My gown beneath it was blue and embroidered with a rich golden thread.

In my lap were picked flowers that I was braiding into a flower crown. One was already waiting finished in my lap. It was then I saw Feilim walking calmly towards me with a gentle smile and handful of picked flowers. He dropped them softly in my lap and sat down beside me.

I handed him the finished flower crown and he raised an eyebrow. He didn't understand.

"Like this," I murmured, and took it from him. He watched me as I placed it on his head. And then I adjusted it so the pretty flowers were in front. I curled his hair onto his forehead. "Look at you! So pretty."

It was only then I registered his body. His arms. His cotton shirt didn't hide the pale white scars all along his arms and his chest that was just slightly exposed due to the deep v-cut of it.

I was going to ask if they were from his years of training. But I thought better of it. It was obvious. With how old they were and how deep. These were from fellow warriors who wanted nothing more than to win and to advance. I knew he must've inflicted some on his opponents too.

The flower crown for me was done. And I went to slip it on, but he grabbed my hands.

I looked up at him inquisitively but he shook his head, "Like this," he mimicked perfectly.

He placed it on my head and adjusted it, though he didn't know what the adjustment was for. I don't think he cared. He was too busy looking into my eyes. His fingers didn't move to adjust my hair. Instead they trailed down my cheeks. They stopped to cup my chin.

"Look at you!" He clapped excitedly like he knew me too well, "So pretty!"

I fell back with laughter and he laid down beside me. His elbow kept his body up as he leant over me.

"You know," his hand returned to my cheek and he dipped down, "I wasn't brave enough to do this for real."

His lips met mine gently. And it wasn't as urgent as it was before. It was sweet and gentle and like we had all the time in the world. My arms wrapped around his neck, and he grabbed my waist, pulling me tighter into him.

It was good. But apart of me knew it didn't compare to the real thing. I wish he'd done it for real. I'd hoped he would.



This ones a shorty to make up for how long the last one was. You're welcome, actually.


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