detective cop & bad cop

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Hey gays!!! How are y'all? I actually have a job interview in less than 4 hours (it's 5 am now) and I haven't slept at all. Not to mention it's at the Dollar General, which i've heard absolutely awful things about but im kinda excited nonetheless. I'm ready to have a job again!!! My last job was like 2 weeks ago when I went in for training at waffle house and i was told during the interview that i'd only have to stay for like 2 hours, but then the fucking manager made me stay ALLLL day and actually WORK!!!

i didn't know wtf to do cuz i hadn't even been trained yet. not to mention, within the first five minutes of me being there one old lady server was mad at the cook cuz he got his long luscious locks in some food and she had to dump it. AND THEN!!! One other old lady server accused another old lady server of stealing from the cash register!!! and she brought it up all day!!!

so yeah. I didn't go back :))))

hopefully this one goes better. I've worked hella jobs but literally NONE of them have been retail so i'm kinda excited to get this kind of training. At least then i could maybe get a job at like a fashion store later. Because that would be fun.

ANyays, on with the chapter. I wanna finish it before i leave for the interview!!!!!!!!!!


He led me downtown, tugging me along as he wouldn't trust me to follow. I wouldn't have followed him anywhere because I was so madly in love with him, but I would have followed him anywhere to avoid going to my last class of the day: History of Hollowfaye.

I was adamant that I would be absent from that class until they all assumed me dead. Except for Waverly and Heath, of course. They would be vehemently pissed, but I'm the only reason they have anything to present in the first place.

I would happily remind them of that fact if they got too mouthy.

Hollowfaye was alive. Every store was filled to max capacity, the sidewalks were bustling with travelers, families, and tourists. The autumn sun was warm and kept everyone stir crazy long after the summer months.

The police station was the only building that was dead, and that's because it was so far off the beaten path. Also because everyone was so busy being murdered. That left only one cop car in the entire leaf-covered parking lot.

"Wait," I'd finally had enough of him hauling my ass around. I pulled myself free, and he turned to me incredulously, "What are we doing?"

"I intend to lure them not to freak out when I tell them the truth, lure them into telling me all they know, and then lure them into forgetting the entire conversation ever happened." His eyes widened as if he were saying, "Doi." instead of explaining his extremely vague plan.

I stared at him.

He stared back, rudely.

"Will that actually work?"

He rolled his eyes, "Of course it'll work. I'm a babbling-brooking siren for sobbing out loud."

I raised an eyebrow, "What did you even just say?"

"Shut up, Es," he huffed, "I talk with the Hollowfayne Siren accent when I'm anxious to get started. Now, are you going to float there like a bubble or are you going to flow like a fall?"

I got his drift, even if I didn't fully grasp his squirt. I shrugged and followed him inside. I figured floating idly by like a bubble would probably be embarrassing to my street cred in his eyes. Not that I gave a drizzle what he thought, of course.

He pranced in like he owned the place and paid the receptionist no mind. She didn't humor us either, just continued filing down her claws. He approached the desk of an old, balding cop who was snoring loudly in his chair with his hands behind his head.

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