Romantically Rosy Reality

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Let's see if we can pop off with this one for once!!! happy reading.


I remembered as soon as I woke up the most peacefully I'd ever awoken. That bastard. Wooing me like that, meanwhile, in the real world he's chatting up the Lead. Telling me we're meant to be together, and then asking to talk to her during my class. In FRONT of me. Even though he's never done me the charity of taking ME out of classes that I'm suffering through.

So rude.

It's betrayal.

I take it upon myself to ignore him forever. So I go to class. For once. And I actually pay attention. And when it's my turn to present a question or an answer, I don't know as I wasn't paying that much attention, I wing it so well that nobody can tell that I didn't read the material. Even Waverly patted me on the back.

"Someone's finally showing up, and more than just in presence." Heath sighed as if impressed.

The professors didn't feel the same way. I was told to wait behind after every single class. And each speech went about the same.

'So, Miss Kestrel, I appreciate you finding the time in your schedule to be here (for once), and you will get credit for this assignment, but I'm not sure how much this will help your grade overall. We'll just have to see about your performance for the rest of the semester. But based on everything before now, I don't know what to tell you.'

And they shrugged all helplessly as if I was a lost cause. And I wanted to be offended, but I wasn't the least bit surprised. How could I be? I couldn't remember the last time I put my balls to the wall and did an assignment to my fullest ability.

I slumped my way to the library after all my classes ended. There weren't any extra credit assignments given to me, but that wasn't going to stop me from making some up. There were essays and presentations due in two weeks or less, and I was going to do them now. Just in case something else came up. Just in case future me would be pissed that I'd sabotaged myself and my future by giving less than the bare minimum's worth of effort I needed to graduate.

So I sat there at the computer. And then realized I needed a textbook because I knew nothing about anything I was supposed to know. I grumbled my way to the History section which consisted of at least four shelves.

Time in Hollowfaye was well-chronicled. As if nothing was too boring to gloss over or to miss altogether.

On the second row, I rolled my eyes at who, of course, was sitting there pouring over more tomes. I walked right past. Not even stopping to insult him like I wanted to more than anything. Unfortunately, the other rows had less than nothing I needed.

It was dismal. Having to walk back to the row where he was sat and pretend even harder that he was invisible or, even better, that he didn't exist at all. I stepped over this stack, eyes glued to the shelves while I looked for the history textbook I could've just borrowed from my teachers. If they weren't already mad at me, that is.

"Hey." It was a warm greeting. And he was shocked to see me so soon.

I ignored it. Ha. That oughta teach 'em to address me without my consent.

"Es! Hey. Are you back to help me?" He asked. So he didn't learn shit. Not even when I ignored him again, "I actually had a bit of a breakthrough. Adagray helped too, you know. I went back to her the other night--hey, are you listening?"

"Actually, I'm not. Thanks for noticing."

He stared at me blankly and then stood up slowly, "What's wrong?"

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