the lizard monster

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he has legs???

and a cock???

color me surprised (horny)


His fingers... They set my skin on fire... And I knew them too, I knew them from my dream. They weren't webbed or slimy, but they were the same! The feeling they gave me, the warmth, the disgust, it was exactly the same.

"Wait, wait!" He pulled me back, nearly tripping me up on my heels. The skirt of my dress twisted around my legs and forced me into him. He caught me like it was nothing, like I wasn't a helpless fish caught in a net of fabric.

"Please," I hated how similar it was to the nightmare. I forced myself out of his grip. He didn't resist like he usually did. And he wasn't as strong as I remembered. Or at least, he wasn't fighting my departure this time. "I'm sorry--I'm not feeling well. And I'm sick... And I have class in the morning, though I probably won't go... Because I'm sick. And not feeling well. And I'm seriously very drunk."

He shook his head. Those eyes. God, those eyes. They were so clear. And glowing. Who was he?

"Okay, yeah," he seemed lost for words. Very unlike me. Who could not STOP talking. Not even to save my own ass. "Can I help? You can't even walk straight. Or run, for that matter."

I burped, "I can run just fine, thank you. Didn't you see me?"

He shrugged, "It was a fair attempt, I'll admit, but--" He trailed off.

His eyes were all over my face, and his fingers twitched by his side. I felt the same. I couldn't say how, but I knew we were feeling the same. Of course, my desire was completely against my will. And while I was trying to run far, far away from him, he wanted to pull me closer and never let me go.

It made me sick.

"I can get home just fine on my own, thanks." He reached for me as I stumbled away, "Oh please, piss off. Don't touch me. I can still feel your slime all over me. God, it's everywhere."

"My slime?" I heard him call from behind me. His footsteps fell in line with mine, and I gagged. He smelled like salt water and warm sand and sunshine on a beach and... and... I hated it. I hated that I wanted to deeply inhale when he was that close.

"Yes, your slime," I growled, "I can feel it. And don't think you're fooling me just because you have legs. I know what you are. I've seen it."

He actually stopped. But not for long. He was grabbing my hand again, and an electric shock ran up my arm. I flinched out of his touch. "Just stop it, alright! Leave me alone! I don't know you!"

He scowled down at me. Why was he so tall? Where did he get his height from? I looked up at him as he let go.

"Really? Because you seem to think you know exactly who I am." His voice was low and it rumbled through his throat.

My lips pressed together. My heart was burning in my chest, pounding like ocean waves in my ears.

"Please. I don't want this. I don't know you, and I don't know what you want from me." It was embarrassing because I actually choked up, "But I just want to go to sleep. And I want you to stop haunting my dreams. Please. Please, I'm begging you. Whatever you are--you lizard demon-- just leave me alone."

Tears streamed down my cheeks. Streamed, of course, is a more graceful word to describe it, and it was anything but graceful. They were pools of tears. My face was soaked, my makeup was no doubt running, the boning in my gown was drenched with sweat and tears and mascara lines. My thighs were chafing from how he'd made me feel in the vision.

He grabbed my arms, and I sobbed, "Hey, I'm sorry. Okay?" He cleared his throat, and half-assed a sympathetic stroke with his fingers. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. What dreams?"

And had I been more delusional, had I been more drunk, had I been more sleep-deprived than I already was, I might've believed the innocence he'd feigned. But it was the way he'd said it...

Like he wanted me to believe it. Like he was so sure that I would believe it, that he didn't have to try too hard to get me to.

I cried harder and pulled free from him. My desperation for sleep and freedom was replaced by something else, though I tried not to show it. Because I knew now... I wasn't crazy.

The boy standing in front of me, looking down at me with what he tried to portray as a semblance of support, was actually...

He was seriously...

He was exactly what I'd been too afraid to admit he was...

He was the monster in my dreams. He'd seen the vision. Why else would he be here now?

My heart raced with something else now. Horror, fear, realization. I wiped my cheeks and hiccuped and took a step back.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm very drunk. And tired.. Um..." I took another step back, nearly stumbled because of my heels, but I managed to catch myself as he reached out for me, "Sorry about all... This..." I gestured at myself, and shock was all in his face. In his gaping mouth, in the sweat gathered in his hair, in the twitch in his fingers, in the pallor of his skin.

When I ran this time, he didn't follow. I was home in no time and I locked my door, locked my windows, pulled down the blinds, and buried myself in my blankets, listening out for any suspicious sounds, and forbidding myself to fall asleep.

I didn't want to see how the dream would change now that I knew he was real. Now that the lizard monster that was haunting me... Was real... And he'd found me.



how are y'all faring? how are y'all liking this so far? What's the tea?

I need you guys to know that if my man was a lizard monster, I'd still fuck him. I'd let him ravish me. No cap. I wouldn't even care if he intended on eating me after we both climax. I would be down with it, even.

Anyways. Tis I, the slut.




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