finally a decent fucking shower

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Let's not waste any time. Hello, friends. Hiya. So that was some drama last chapter. let's see what this one shall bring us. (No spoilers)


The first thing I had to do was test it. I had to see if all that suffering was for nothing. I, of course, was shocked to find myself completely naked in front of my bathroom mirror with my neck black with bruises. It was sensitive to the touch and burned like liquid fire still. I couldn't drink or eat. Not for days, I already knew. He could've at least told me how to fix that or how to soothe it.

He didn't though.

He loved my suffering. It brought him only joy and satisfaction. That much was obvious, the way he just left before finding out if it was okay.

I wiped my tears again. I couldn't focus on that now. I should be happy. He'd given me what I wanted. I'd never see him again. Things could go back to normal as long as I didn't sprout fins as soon as I entered my hot, soothing shower.

I stepped in and waited for the transformation to come.

And I waited.

And I waited.

And I clenched my eyes shut as the water poured all around me and the room steamed up with heat. But when I opened my eyes again, there I stood, with fists clenched against the walls and teeth chattering with anxiety.

I was me. My toes were red from the blistering water and my nails were the same neon crimson that I'd painted them. No change. I was back. I was normal. Tears dripped from my eyes and were washed away in the water as I smiled to myself.

He'd done it.

I didn't want to think about the 'he' in question, but 'he' gave me everything and more that I could ever want. He freed me from the curse he placed upon me. I wiggled my toes. God, they wiggled.

I stood there for what seemed like hours. And I exfoliated my legs and shaved everything, including my toes. And when I finally got out, I moisturized. Such luxury. You don't realize what you're missing until you finally have legs and feet and toes and ankles and calves and knees and a vagina.

My world was right again. Everything was perfect. And so I did the one thing I could think of. I sat down on the hardwood floor in my living room and I got to work on my sewing for the production. I worked on outfits for the extras. I sketched some concepts for the final runaway of my senior year. It was the most productive I'd been in months. I even got some more homework done that I didn't need the textbooks for.

Right when I was in my groove, someone had to intervene. I even smiled. It was the way it always worked for me. I'd accomplished things and the universe had sent a distraction my way. Because it knew I needed a break. It was perfect timing.

"Hello!" I sang-song into my phone.

"Why so chipper?" Waverly interrogated immediately, "I thought you were too busy being devastated and horny for that fishboy?"

I giggled, "Nope. He's out of the picture nowadays. I can finally know peace."

She was silent for a second.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." Her pitch went up at least fifteen octaves, "I'm glad to hear it, dearie. You sound much better. Are you sleeping?"

"Not even. Doing homework." She gasped, "I know right? That's how you know I've been cured."

"Well, this is just marvelous, hun. But I bring forth a message." I hummed, "Okay, so don't freak out. Take a deep breath before I dive too deep. I know you. And I sure hope you're sitting down because this is going to be utterly shocking."

I sighed and laid back on the floor with my toes dangling in the air, "There's a party?"

"I'll pick you up in an hour. Ciao!"



so, filler chapter. I DO NOT CARE!!!!!!!! what happens at the party? WOudln't you like to know, weather boi?




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