the green amphibious alien takes me on a date

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alright, 'tis a new day. Let's see if we can knock out this chapter. I'm kinda excited, not to suck my own wangy or nothing. so let's get this party started or what have you. happy reading


"Don't you just clean up like white stockings in a bucket of bleach?" Waverly fanned her face like she couldn't fathom how hot I looked, with the help of her cosmetology skills, of course.

I fluffed my freshly curled hair and winked so I could see how reflective the metallic gold eyeliner and glitter flakes on my lids were. I looked like a million bucks, or, well, a million bucks in gold buillon bars. Or however that's measured. Either way, she was right to fan herself. I looked better than white stockings in a bucket of bleach.

"Okay, okay," The anxiety was beginning to set in. Feilim would be here at any given moment, and I didn't know where he was planning to take me or if that was even real or if he realized that I thought it was, "So, I'm going to wear the gold glitter dress hanging on my door right there and then I'm wearing my gold strappy heels with the sun clips all along the laces. You think that'll be cute?"

"Yes, lady," she clapped her hands as if she was more excited about the vision than I was, "Alright. So you do that. I'm gonna fix you a glass of wine to help ease your nerves, and then I'm heading over to Heath's to help take his mind off his painful evening. Sound like a plan?"

I nodded gratefully and reached for her hand before she could walk away. "Thank you so much for this, Waverly. It means a lot that you're so willing to fix me up."

"Don't mention it. Remember to tell me how it goes. Okay? And if he hurts you and I commit crimes, be sure to tell the cops that I was with Heath all night." She winked and left me to get dressed alone.

I slid on a black thong embroidered with suns and stardust. I didn't think we'd have sex, with us taking things slow and all, but it made me feel sexy, and, henceforth, confident. And I rubbed on some gold shimmer dust all over the exposed parts of my skin so that anytime he looked at me, I'd glitter and glow. I didn't know where he planned on taking me, but I figured if it was a well-lit place, then I would be too.

"I'm leaving now, come enjoy your wine." The door slammed after her goodbye, and I tiptoed into the kitchen.

The wine was inviting. And I welcomed it with open arms. I figured he'd be there after I finished it, and when he wasn't, I welcomed a second glass. The anxiety jitters left faster than he arrived. I was grateful that I might actually seem unworried and like this wasn't wrecking me deep inside.

When his gentle knock sounded all around me, it all came back. As if the entire bottle of wine was for naught. I tried to shrug it all off before I got to the door. I took deep breaths and straightened my hair, despite all my previous fluffing, and tried to remember to smile when I opened the door.

"Hi," my voice gave way to anxiety.

He knew exactly how I was feeling. I was glad to see it all over his face though, that he was feeling the same. His hands were tucked deep into his corduroy warm brown pants. His deep sea-green Hawaiian shirt was unbuttoned at the top and the bottom buttons were crooked like he didn't understand how buttons worked.

"Hi," He greeted with a nervous smile. His eyes lit up when he took me in, the same as mine. "You look... Um..." He looked down at his outfit with flaming red cheeks, "I didn't know."

I laughed and pulled him in by his wrist, "I'll fix it." A part of me didn't want to. It was cute and it was cute of him to not understand and it felt wrong to meddle when he'd put so much effort in. "It does look fierce like this though," I muttered.

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