a date??? with an isopod???

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Here we go again!!! Kinda excited to get on with it, if may say so myself. Also i just realized that the ~societal expectation~ for the length of a wattpad chapter is around 1500-2000 words! Guys, i've been trying to keep these around ~1000, with some of them being less, some of them being drastically more.

But ONLY because in my books before this one (books on my @venus_in_fleurs account) some chapters would be like 10k words long! And like???? Who wants to suffer through something like that? Sounds like fucking torture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So anyway. I'm going to TRY to keep them around that point, i suppose. Though, really, I don't actually see a problem with any lengths i've chosen for these particular chapters. If anything, it keeps it spicy, and it makes the pacing different so you don't get too bored.

Like for example, one chapter was only ~800 words, but the next one was like 3k??? i think??? so that was nice. Like ppl who read that might've hypothetically wanted a bit more, so then the next one gave a little bit more than i'm USED to giving. SO...


Sorry for the long update!!!!!!!

Life is getting crazy (like i said, i got my dollar general job :* ) i haven't started it yet but i'm kinda nervous. LIke what if it's misery? And the manager DID say i have an ~upbeat personality~ but that's only when i'm not anxious as shit. SO hopefully i can still pull that shit together.

I just hope people aren't too fucking rude too. omg.

anyways, sorry guys, on with the chapter


Me trying to avoid him only brought him around more. Not even on purpose like he was some stalker. If anything, he seemed quite embarrassed that fate kept trying to push us together against our wills. Especially because he was too busy to say anything to me. And I wanted him to fade out of my life.

I hated him, to be true. Not sure if I mentioned that yet or not.

Not only was he a killer whale, but he was a killer whale with MIND powers. He could make anyone do things they didn't want to do, excluding me. Was it supposed to make me feel better that I was the only one his powers didn't work on? If anything, I would've liked to have been dumb to the effect he has too.

So in my Iyaeli class a week after I'd seen him manipulate Detective Cop into almost forgetting his wife's birthday, I vowed that the next time I saw Feilim, I'd spit on him. Then I found myself wondering what percentage of saliva was actually water? He'd grow his tail, no doubt. And then he'd probably spit on me too. And I'd grow a tail. And we'd go down together.

Was that his plan this entire time? Rid me of the ability to shower, or brush my teeth, or fucking go outside when it's even just SLIGHTLY humid. I don't grow a tail then. But it itches. It itches like the scales that in a second's notice could take my legs' place can FEEL the moisture in the air. It's a threat. As soon as there's a storm cloud in the sky or a crackle of lightning, they itch and itch and itch and they BEG to be scratched or picked at.

The feeling is even worse than the tail itself.

It had actually, regrettably, grown on me a bit. One day I lingered in the bath for so long, just staring at, trying to convince myself it was real. And I stared at it so hard, I could see the holographic rainbow in the scales when they moved slightly to the left or right. They glimmered like sunlight; like a rainbow in between two rain clouds; like the water in Black Crescent Bay after a storm; like red opalite.

And so, fucking around and trying to enjoy myself, I grabbed one of my anklets and twisted it around the thinnest part of my tail, just before the cream silk-like fabric of my fins. It almost made it more tolerable. Almost.

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