He Ruined My Life

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guys. seriously. i have not slept. nor have I updated in a hot second. not like yall give two shits nor a fuck. but like actually guess why I haven't. go on guess. this shit gonna sound like a joke.

i got fucking evicted.

no really.


let's get this party started, fams.


I went to the party. Okay, sue me. How am I the bad guy for wanting to have a good time when I've been nothing but tortured for the past few weeks? I mean, can you really blame me for wanting to get fucking wasted when everytime I close my eyes I remember that a literal seal is haunting me.

And it's real.

And it's hanging out with my arch-nemesis.

And my brain is trying to convince me that I want to make babies with it.

Wouldn't YOU want to get wasted after that?

So yeah, I was at the party. And I was trying to have a jolly good time with Waverly and Heath, which was good on my part, considering they forced me to dance to every song like a fucking dancing monkey. It's like everytime I was like, 'Guys, may I please get shitfaced now?' They spat in my face.

And seriously too.

It was out of sheer annoyance and intolerance because I was busy raining on their parade. So I politely stepped away as soon as they were too distracted with each other's opulence to notice my absence. I walked right into that stuffy, filled-to-the-brim-with-fratboys-who-think-backwards-hats-are-the-swaggiest-new-fashion kitchen and I poured myself a goddamn drink.

Well, two.

My other hand was getting lonely.

And whenever my tongue got sick of the beer coming from my left hand, I humbled it with straight vodka coming from my right hand.

Then... I was really having a jolly good time. Because I kept expecting Féilim to be lurking in every corner of the house. But the house was fully contained into one room. It was a studio apartment and if we wanted to take a shit, we had to do it in front of everyone, and you'd be damn stupid not to expect people to watch either.

Point is, he wasn't in either of the four corners. He wasn't hiding behind the bar. Or trying to appear normal by talking to some weird men. And he wasn't escorting the Lead around by the peak of her ever-changing breasts.

He was gone.

I was alone.

I felt peace. I felt like maybe all of this had been a dream. And for a second I let myself believe it. That is until some goddamn genius tripped over fuck all and spilt his cup of water on me and, most importantly, my lime-green suede gown. Why? Because that was just my luck. For a second, I'd genuinely forgotten that I'd look like a goddamn sea urchin in five seconds flat.

And then it hit me.

Thankfully, before I turned into said sea urchin. And I hit the gas and got my jolly ass the shit and fuck and hell out of there. I dove into the bushes just as soon as my essence was nothing more than shimmer and water bubbles.

Nobody noticed. It was sheer luck. I waited. And drank my alcohol. And waited. And I wondered if I could drown out of water. Because how was I fish, though I could breathe air? Did that make me more of a salamander than a fish? Were sirens and mermaids actually amphibians? How was I alive right now and redefining literal biological facts?

I was quite miffed with myself as I took one more swall'er of my drinks. They were trash. I tossed the cups back on the porch, causing some clueless bottom-arm havers to lose their marbles and scream and ask desperately where it came from and if there was someone on the roof watching them finger each other right now.

To be serious, and to be true, I wished I hadn't have come. Not because the party wasn't real as fuck. And not because I wasn't enjoying getting shitfaced. But because Feilim ruined my life.

I couldn't be myself because what he had done to me. I couldn't stand in water. Or get wet. Or take a shower.

And even before he'd changed my entire biology... The nightmares that preluded his arrival... The way I was failing my classes because I couldn't sleep and I couldn't focus on my designs or my sewing or the ONE hobby that I was so passionate about that I was willing to make a career out of it...

He took it all from me.

And then he wanted to hang out with my arch-nemesis.

It was a slap in the face.

I was no longer chortling to myself and looking up at the stars. I felt dismal. My stomach sank and sank and sank, and I wish he'd never come along. Before him everything was so normal.

I wondered if I'd ever have that again. If there WAS a way for him to take it back. And I wondered if I'd ever be able to enjoy a party again, or if I'd be able to bring my grades up and win back the hearts of all of my teachers.

I had to find Feilim. Not to kill him. Not even to yell at him. Enough was enough. I wanted him far away from me. And I wanted everything to go back to the way it was before.


Guys. We just finished moving. I'm excited to move in a few months to Savannah, which is one of the more popular coastal towns here in Georgia. I imagine it'll be easier writing about coastal towns once i actually live in one.

I'm so excited. Right now i just have to suffer through the most awful job I've ever experienced with the most awful people ive ever met. Seriously. LIke the boss is so rude? Even before she hired me. LIke i don't really know what her deal is, but I'm over it.

Anywya, i just have to save up for my CNA classes and then take them and then i can move. I'm so excited guys. 2024 is my motherfucking year.

Also my bf said he'd move to Savannah with me!!! Which means we'll no longer be 663 miles away from each other. So. So. YEah.


Thanks for reading, my loves


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