chapter 1

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It was a few weeks after Stefan left with Klaus.

At the boarding house

Elena went over to the boarding house to hide in Stefan's room.

When she got there Damon was not there.

She heard a thud sound

Elena left the room and found Damon on the ground

Elena: Damon are you ok?

Damon: yeah I'm fine what are you doing here?

Elena: none of your business why I'm here

Damon: well happy early birthday

Elena: how did you know it's tomorrow?

Damon: over you and my brother talking

Elena: ugh I'm still not used to that

Damon: well get used to it.

Elena went back into Stefan's room and shut the door

In Stefan room

Elena found his leather jacket put it on and started crying.

Her phone went off

Caroline, where are you?

Elena my house

Caroline, I'm at your house now in your room

Elena, then you take the guess then

Caroline, why are you there?

Elena no reason

Caroline, I'm on my way

Elena ugh I'm leaving see you in a few.

At Elena's house

 Elena walked into her house 

Caroline: you look like a train wreck. Why do you have Stefan's jacket

Elena: I'm tired care I'm going to go to bed alright.

Caroline: alright

Alaric: I will keep an eye on her for you Caroline

Elena went up to her room

Upstairs in Elena's room

Elena started crying

Jeremy came into the room

Elena: sorry if waked you up jer

Jeremy: it's okay Elena what's wrong?

Elena: I miss Stefan

Jeremy: I know you he should be back soon I hope.

Alaric came up to Elena's room

Alaric: jer you tell her?

Jeremy: no I can't do that to her right now

Elena: what's going on?

Jeremy: I decided to leave town for a bit and go to some of Mom's family that is in Denver. I'm leaving the day after your birthday

Elena: oh ok

Jeremy left the room

Elena started crying again

She called Stefan's phone of course it went to voicemail

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