chapter 3

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Elena makes her downstairs

Bonnie: we need to talk like now!

Elena: what's wrong?

Bonnie: while you were gone yesterday. Matt had ty break up for him.

Elena: I know Matt told me in the car.

Bonnie: care is out of it super bad.

Elena: Don't tell me she is doing what I think.

Bonnie: no she is not shutting off her emotions and being Stefan.

Elena: thank goodness. What's wrong then?

Bonnie: she is having a meltdown she is with Tyler.

Elena: let's help him.

In morgan town

Klaus: I think we should go to Chicago next.

Stefan: why?

Klaus: there are many things in the windy city I need to get to talk to this which I know of.

Stefan: alright im getting tired of this town anyway.

Stefan and Klaus up and left

At Tylers house

Tyler: you got her thank goodness

Bonnie: yeah

Caroline came out of the room she was in with a blood bag in her hand

Elena: hey care

Caroline: oh goodie you here

Elena: I didn't know until I was in the car with Matt he was going to do it.

Caroline: im over it let's throw a party.

Tyler: sure care

Elena: I need to talk to Tyler anyway

Caroline: if you two plan the party grate

Elena: yeah we are

Bonnie: I got it for a bit

Tyler and Elena walked into another room

Elena: I did a serious Oh no

Tyler: what happens?

Elena: Matt asked me the reason why I chose Stefan over him

Tyler: you spelled the truth?

Elena: yeah

Tyler: grate he may not have taken that so well

Elena: I know you know part of it

Tyler: I know that you fell in love with him because he can't die

Elena: yeah that is one of the reasons. The other one is that he somehow makes me feel alive. Also, he makes me feel safe.

Tyler: Elena you forget I have known forever. I know the other reason you just me you didn't have to tell me I could just see in your face. Matt must be freaking out now since you told him the reason.

Elena: well Jeremy or Alaric tell you how to kill a vampire?

Tyler: yeah when Matt came to me about it I told him I didn't know.

Elena: thank you for that.

Tyler: he thinks there is no way to kill a vampire.

Elena: that's good if he finds out oh no. for when Stefan comes back and I help him.

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