chapter 17

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at the boarding house 

 Tyler: Stefan I was think when Elena nightmares happen I could get in her head to help her. the only reason I'm doing this it to help the both of you out. i really don't want to see my best friend a mess again. 

Stefan: I know Lexi told me the risk. was she staying then? 

Tyler: she has room at most of are houses are parents let her have. you would be there with her but I just help with the nightmares. then I'm leaving the room. 

Stefan: ok but they have not started yet 

Tyler: yay for that but she is also used to looking tired all the time. the doctors could never figure out why. but has she had any blood lately? 

Stefan: yeah like four so bags this morning 

Tyler: ok I was thinking maybe have her drink more than she normally does to help the tiredness go away. 

Stefan: ok 

Lexi: but there is a risk she will 

Stefan: no way she would be me 

Lexi: I'm not saying that. I'm saying that the craving will be there more if she drinks more. 

Tyler: wells she has Caroline to help with control 

Stefan: Caroline and Lexi 

Damon: you forget someone 

Stefan: no I didn't do you have your own girl to worry about now? 

 at Bonnie's house 

 Elena: I was thinking when gets better we could go on a trip out of town 

bonnie: to were 

Elena: not sure  yet 

Bonnie: tomorrow I want to see how my mom is doing 

Elena: you need us? 

Bonnie: yeah I'm not going to be able to do it on my own 

Elena: can I sleep here tonight? 

Bonnie: are sure that good when we got the bothers who are going to worry about us 

Elena: cant forget Tyler 

Bonnie: why do you want to sleep here? 

Elena: the tied feeling is back. Tyler noticed early. 

Bonnie: I'm calling 

Elena: ok I'm off to get some sleep 

over the phone with Stefan 

Bonnie, we are fine. Elena has just tried too tried to make it back she wants to sleep here tonight. 

Stefan, we can get them both of you and bring you here 

Bonnie yeah that works I don't want my dad to freak out that Elena is here. Tomorrow we are seeing Abby 

Stefan ok 

Bonnie see you when you get here 

Elena went to sleep already 

Bonnie waited for the brothers to show up 

there was knock at the door 

bonnie opened it 

Stefan: is she up? 

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