chapter 7

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Upstairs in Elena's room

Elena wakes up she starts looking around her room

Stefan sat on the window still in her room

Elena looks over and sees Stefan

Elena: what happens?

Stefan: what is the last thing you remember from yesterday?

Elena: were talking about turning me then I drank some of your blood then that is it.

Stefan: well you are a vampire now. No worries Bonnie gave me the daylight ring.

Caroline comes up to Elena's room

Caroline: hi elena

Elena: hey care

Stefan: I got to let Alaric know you are up

He got up from the window still and walked over to the door

Elena: don't go Stefan.

Caroline: I got it.

Stefan sat down on the bed next to Elena

Caroline went down to stairs to find Alaric


Caroline: she is up. She has the ring.

Alaric: I'm going to go get Jeremy back to town.

Caroline: alrighty but I think it best if you two stay with Damon. until she is someone who adjusted

Alaric: I think we can handle it


Stefan: how do you feel Elena?

Elena: tried and weak

Stefan: well you need some blood

Elena: I want to try the animal diet

Stefan: no I got Caroline to help you with blood bags

Elena: why do the animal blood diet

Stefan: The animal diet will make you weaker than you are now and it's not good for a new vampire to do that.

Caroline comes back up

Caroline: you ready to do this Elena?

Elena: yeah I'm sure I got this

Caroline hands Elena a blood bag

Elena drinks it

Elena: I feel a lot better now

Stefan: that's good

Elena: I still don't want to see Damon. I can't believe I met him first

Stefan and Caroline looked at each other.

Elena: it was right before my parents came and picked me up. he thought I was Katherine.

Caroline: was any other time Damon compelled you?

Elena: he almost wanted me to forget about Stefan but I stopped him

Stefan: I got to go

Elena: Stefan I don't want you two to fight about it please today is not the day for it and tomorrow is not as well.

Stefan: that is not ok that he did that to you Elena

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