chapter 10

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Boarding house

Jeremy: Alaric it's the weekend where are you going?

Alaric: I want to make sure Elena is up at the lake house.

Jenna: she is up there where else could she go?

Alaric: not sure she can go anywhere without knowing now since she is a vampier.

Jenna: Alaric she is up at the lake house they need some space to work things out there have been a lot of things going on between them that we don't know about and they are up there talking it out

Alaric: so if we go up there she will be there?

Jenna: how about we go tomorrow i was thinking we could have family night tonight.

Alaric: fine

Jeremy text Stefan

Over text

Jeremy sorry to cut NYC short but getting to the lake house Alaric is planning seeing that you are there

Stefan ugh

Jeremy sorry me and Jenna talked him out of going now

Stefan thanks

At the hotel in New York

Elena: what was that all about

Stefan tossed his phone onto the bed

Lexi: something with Alaric?

Stefan: we got to be at the lake house by tomorrow

Elena: leave tonight then

Lexi: what about me?

Elena: crap

Stefan: just say that you tagged along with us

Elena: wish we had more time here

Stefan: sorry babe

Elena: ugh can we tell Alaric to leave me alone

Stefan: wish we could do that but what about Jenna?

Elena: Jenna she trusts you but Alaric doesn't trust you

Stefan: I know he doesn't trust me anymore I'm not sure what to do to fix that.

Elena: not sure we can ask tomorrow

Lexi: let's get packing then

Stefan: oh crap Elena what about your hair

Elena: ugh he will have to get over it

Stefan: I was thinking are you comfortable being at the boarding house now?

Elena: yeah

Stefan: got an idea when we go back to town

Lexi: you two done packing

Elena: nope sorry Lexi I went overboard with clothes

Lexi: it's fine but we got to get going soon we got a long drive back

Elena: well I was thinking I could text you the address then you can vamp seed their Lexi

Lexi: that is too far to vamp speed plus I'm not sure where it's at

Stefan: Elena we are not vamp speeding back

Lexi: I'm sure Jenna and Jeremy can hold Alaric off until we get there

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