chapter 2

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At the mystic grill

Elena walks into the grill

Tyler follows behind her

Elena: I was thinking we should have a small party at my house

Tyler: Would Alaric freak out

Elena: yeah but I was gonna get Damon to distract him

Tyler: thought you don't want to talk to Damon

Elena: I don't but it was just an idea

Tyler: what's got you want to have a party?

They sat down at the table waiting for Caroline to show

Caroline shows up

Caroline: I was thinking we should do a party

Elena: were at?

Caroline: you ok Elena?

Elena: yeah

At the boarding house

Alaric: Damon you need to nock whatever you doing with Elena off

Damon: Wow, I'm shocked it took you this long to try and stop me

Alaric: look she is upset about your brother being gone and you trying to take her from him is not helping.

Damon: well I know she is upset but she will get over it

Alaric: like you have?

Damon: well I do know where my brother is but I'm not able to save him from himself.

Alaric: seriously now you tell me this?

Damon: I didn't want to tell Elena.

Alaric: were is Stefan at then

Damon: still in Morgan town

Alaric: well should we take a trip to go and save him?

Damon: one thing Klaus thinks Elena died when he broke the curse. Keeping her here is safe. once we go on the road trip to go find my brother she might not be safe anymore.

Alaric: fine but what why don't me and you go on the trip then

Damon: no can do that Stefan would try to hurt you

Alaric: how do you know?

Damon: my brother is high on human blood he is a different person completely

Alaric: what do we do then if Elena wants to go on the trip to try and find him?

Damon: well she is the one to save my brother from himself but we can't risk her getting hurt

Alaric: fine but she is still going then?

Damon: it's up to her

Alaric: fine but one thing we are bringing Tyler with us as well

Damon: he is the one who got us into this mess in the first place

Alaric: he will behave and not go on the full moon we will be fine. He is going to help Elena with her emotions.

Damon: fine but one more thing. Elena doesn't need to know I know where my brother is.

Alaric: fine but how do you know where he is?

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