chapter 8

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Lexi Elena and Caroline go off to help Elena with feeding from the vaine to her vision back

At Elena's house

Stefan calls Alaric

Over the phone

Alaric everything ok?

Stefan yeah the girls are helping Elena with drinking from the vein.

Alaric why on earth would you let that happen

Stefan Elena started to lose her eyesight which is why I did it I wouldn't have done it otherwise. Is Jeremy back?

Alaric yeah he is back he is still processing the fact Jenna is back

Stefan well I'm stopping by to talk to him

Alaric why don't I send him over to you

Stefan, it's just me here I'm not sure how long the girls are going to be plus I need things from my house

Alaric fine

At the boarding house

Jenna: hi Stefan

Stefan: hi Jenna

Alaric: how did Elena lose her eyesight

Stefan: she started drinking from a blood bag and not the vain and well it is rare but it has happened according to Lexi

Alaric: why didn't you go with them?

Stefan: recovering from the summer i also trust Lexi in what she is doing. 

Jeremy came downstairs

Jeremy: oh your back Stefan

Stefan: yeah I know you're mad at me for leaving but it was to protect your sister even though I may look like a bad guy for getting her hurt.

Jeremy: I'm more mad at what Damon did. I get why you left but your brother got way too out of hand

Stefan: I know Elena told me what happened

Jeremy: she tells you he tried to compel her to forget you?

Stefan: yeah she told me all of it

With the girls

Lexi: Elena I want to know something

Elena: what's up

Lexi: do you still have feelings for Stefan?

Elena: I still love Stefan but I'm just scared he is going to choose to leave town to save everyone again.

Lexi: all I can say is he is not going to leave you again

Elena: I'm also still adjusting to having him back.

Caroline: well Elena I think you should tell him about what else happened on your birthday

Elena: Care No Stefan will go after Matt and probably kill him

Caroline: Elena what happen if he played all the voicemails you left him?

Lexi: he has not done it yet but Elena you need to tell him before he does get that one

Elena: look he is mad at Damon I don't want to make things more hard for him right now. He is worried about me and what Klaus will do when he finds out.

Caroline: Elena you need to do before Matt does something stupid

Elena: ugh can the both of be at the house when I do it

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