chapter 9

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 The next day at Elena's house

There was a knock on the door

Elena opened the door

Liz: sorry to come over here like this but we need to talk to Elena

Elena: Liz I told you what happened already. I got a text from Matt to meet him in the woods and then. I had to lie to Stefan by saying I'm going to meet up with Care. I went to the woods. Matt was trying to hand me the other papers I dropped them. I ran away but Matt caught me. I shot meet I knew he was going to drag me out of town to be his.

Liz: alright so no one else knows where you were last night?

Elena: no liz. I used my call to get a hold of Stefan. I knew he going to be worried about me. I texted him to meet me at the station last night.

Liz: alright. I can't put you in jail because it was self-defense.

Elena: I know you have lots of questions

Stefan came down the stairs

Liz: When did Stefan come back?

Elena: the night of senior prank night.

Liz: oh when and how and who turned you?

Elena: umm I had Stefan turn me. The reason for this is that my blood when I was a human was capable of making more hybrids. Well, Tyler is a hybrid.

Liz: I know that he came to me with Bill 

Elena: after senior prank night after the bonfire, I tuned into a vampire. Tyler became a hybrid on the night of senior prank night.

Liz: So Caroline has been helping you then?

Elena: yep.

Liz: alright one thing why did Matt want to marry you, Elena?

Elena: well over the summer the day after me and Matt came back from the mountains in Morgan town. Tyler threw a party and Matt kissed me. He broke up with care. He wrote a letter explaining it and Tyler gave it to her. He wanted to keep me safe from Stefan. So he thought by married me would get me to change my mind.

Liz: how did the fir in the grill happen?

Elena looked at Stefan for an answer

Stefan: Matt put the paper near the candle and well the flame from the candle got onto the paper.

Liz: ok then

Elena: any other questions

Liz: nope

Liz left

Elena: ugh that was a close one

Stefan: yeah but is that true of why Matt wanted you?

Elena: not sure it's my guess only Tyler knows the real reason for it.

Caroline: thanks for answering all the questions

Elena: welcome but does she not know about Bonnie yet?

Caroline: nope

Elena: ok well got to talk to Tyler.

At Tylers house

There was a knock at the door Tyler opened the door

Elena: sorry for the rush over here but we need to know something.

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