chapter 12

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The next day at the boarding house

Elena wakes up

She goes downstairs to make some pancakes

Stefan waked up

Elena: good morning

Stefan: good morning

Elena: we got to get ready soon we are gonna meet Bonnie's mom today.

Stefan: she figured out who her mom is and got the information

Elena: yeah Liz knew a bit more than Bonnie did so it was easy for Liz to get the information we needed.

Stefan: ok

Elena: I packed a small cooler bag already

Stefan: ok when are the others getting here?

Elena: not sure what time but I wanted to be ready when they got here

Stefan: give me like a minute to get dressed then

Elena: ok

They got ready a few minutes after they did the doorbell rings

Caroline: you two up

Elena: yeah upstairs

Caroline: hurry up

Bonnie: are they coming?

Elena came down the stairs

Elena: we are taking two cars

Tyler: why two

Elena: we all are not gonna fit into one car

Bonnie: plus there need to be two cars

Stefan: we are not taking mine since it is old

Elena: we can take mine and Care's or Bonnies car

Caroline: who rides with who then

Elena: easy us girls then guys in my car

Tyler: what about cooler bags?

Elena: there are three of them

They got into the cars Elena gave Stefan a cooler bag.

In the car with the girls

Bonnie: what is the plan with the guys

Elena: if something seems off they will text me and care a word and will keep an eye out for something they see. If it's something they we will keep an ear out for it.

Bonnie: that is all I want to know about the plan

Elena: ok I'm sorry I know you wanted it to be us girls but it's for safety reasons

Bonnie: no I get it Elena

Caroline: well no worries Bonnie the guys are not gonna flirt text us

Bonnie: ok I was not worried about that

Elena gave Caroline a look

In the car with the guys

Stefan: I'm a bit shocked Bonnie let us come

Tyler: Elena explained to her that is so we can keep them safe and the fact Klaus is still in town doing gosh know what.

Stefan: you were then when she talked to Bonnie?

Tyler: yeah it was when Bonnie told us to come to her house and she told us.

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