chapter 16

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 at Bonnie's house 

 there was a knock at the door 

Bonnie: It might be Elena and the guys 

Bonnie opened the door 

Tyler: hi 

Damon: hi 

Lexi: were Stefan and Elena?

Tyler: they are still talking about Stefan being super worried about Noah 

Bonnie: oh ok I wanted to talk to Stefan about his text anyway I read all your text.

Caroline: why don't we all go to the boarding house 

Damon: Bonnie I need to talk to you alone 

Bonnie: ok

the other made their way to the boarding house 

 at the boarding house 

Tyler:  I brought Caroline and Lexi here 

Elena: ok 

Stefan: wow he is going to do it 

Tyler: yeah 

Caroline: what's going on? 

Lexi: oh my gosh that means he is giving up on Elena and has moved on 

Stefan: yeah Lexi but it also means we should worry a bit. if Noah thinks he can take Bonnie from my brother. he is super wrong. 

Caroline: Wait a minute you mean to tell me Bonnie Bennett out of people has feelings for Damon? 

Elena: we are not sure if she feels the same way. Stefan said that if she does. 

at Bonnie's  house 

 Bonnie: what did you want to talk about 

Damon: I got to tell you this now 

Bonnie: tell me what? 

Damon: I like you, Bonnie 

Bonnie: woah I was not expecting that 

Damon: I gave up on trying to get Elena from bother. I realized I couldn't have her I needed to move on. 

Bonnie walks over to Damon

Bonnie: well I got feelings for you as well but I kept them hidden. 

Damon stood there in shock at the news 

Bonnie: would like to be my boyfriend? 

Damon: yeah I would like that 

they head to the boarding house 

 at the boarding house 

 Damon and Bonnie show up holding hands 

Stefan: called it 

Elena  was in shock 

Bonnie: it just happend 

Elena: so what do we do about Noah?

Bonnie: I read all your text. well, Elena and Stefan you two are not the only ones who felt that. I did as well. 

Elena: Bonnie but what do we do? 

Bonnie: we see what his moves are going to be. he can't hurt us. 

Stefan: if Abby tells him then we might be doomed. 

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